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What about edibles?

Heading down to Portland (OR) for the weekend with the GF. Anybody have any “dank” recommendations? Good pot shops, strains, edible brands? I always like to try the local flavor when I go places.

IMP-5 week 5 of flowering phase

since last week, the odor has changed from skunky to fruity with a low skunk undertone. the flowers and leaves around the flowers have sticky trichomes all over them, and the new leaf growth is purple. also, i think the lights have burned my cones out because it doesn’t look that purple to me irl as it looks in the photos.

according to the seed company (In House Genetics), it’s a 10.5 week flowering phase, which means 5 more weeks and hopefully it stops growing soon because it’s way bigger than i expected it to be. depending on how big it ends up, next time i’ll either be significantly shortening the growth phase or buying a bigger dwc bucket. at this point i also wish i had set up the tent in my guest room instead of the basement because i would really like another 2 feet of height in this tent. definitely worried about burning the flowers because they are in the danger zone of lamp closeness according to the lamp company’s manual

edit: ok with the lamps off i got better colors:


IMP-5 is a name i made up for this plant because i germinated the first seed of this pack on the day dems voted to open an impeachment investigation, and the first 4 plants died. so it’s impeachment #5. in house genetics named it “forbidden jelly”


i like this. it’s a great start. but until somebody builds a gene deletion collection, we won’t have an indication of what the genes might do. hopefully that’ll come, but it would be an insane amount of work, like literally thousands of plants grown in lab conditions with plant experts describing every characteristic of every plant in detail lol. part of me would like to see it happen but another part of me hopes real scientists stick to like, curing disease and shit

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IMP-5 week 6 of flowering phase

these next 4 weeks are going to be torturous. how exactly will i kill the plant at the last minute? will i screw up the harvest? will i screw up the drying? i’ll definitely screw up making hash


Edit: google says they stress a female plant to induce formation of male sex organs and that’s how they guarantee no male chromosome

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Two words: Glass Slipper. 21%. Not a fruity flavor but not flavorless either, tho it will seem that way if youve been puffing on something like Chem dawg. A deep, earthy flavor that reveals itself the more you smoke it.

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I’ve always just assumed that strains are complete BS. Like obviously there will be differences from one grow operation to another, but is the “glass slipper” you’re smoking really going to be similar to the stuff I’d get if I bought it locally?

FWIW I also don’t buy into differences between indica and sativa for the same reasons.

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I think strains are somewhat BS, somewhat not. I think in general most things I buy are pretty similar to the descriptions on Leafly. Here locally it seems that which dispensary/grow op you buy from matters a lot more than what strain it is. So there is definitely some truth to what you are saying.

Indica/Sativa there is a noticeable difference for me. Indica = sleepy, Sativa = energetic or at least I don’t feel tired. Is there legal pot where you are? I know before there was here I was super skeptical of the differences or what my dealer was telling me but I am less so now that I am getting closer to what I am supposed to be getting when I buy.

Nah it’s not legal here. I get it in DC which is in a weird semi legal status, but I mostly don’t trust whatever they tell me about what I’m buying.

The strains are different but it’s like beer snobbery. Like just give me a nice IPA, ya know?

To be fair, most of the time Ive been a habitual smoker, I operated under the same thinking. Was never concerned with sativa or indica as much as just strength and flavor.

But even then, there did seem to be a difference between bowls and Js. Of course, we now know that’s because the temperature differences alter the highs.

Everyone’s different tho. I think people who are blessed to experience less anxiety than others probably possess a more finite ability to appreciate strain dynamics.

Add to it the fact I abuse the frick out of caffeine and that probably dulls my weed senses. Kicking caffeine will be a game changer.

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i’m not confident that weed people know/care enough to really be stringent about what’s what.

I can tell I’m a lightweight because when you said you would burn a gram a day, I thought jfc lol no wonder you were having paranoia. But you’re right that product back then was so much less potent, and a gram isn’t that much for some.

Plus, I believe that having a healthier well-being is essential to being present and connected to the experience a drug provides, and you are learning so much lately about being present.

I don’t think you have to be as deliberate as a peyoto-fueled spirit retreat where you have a day of sobriety before the trip to plan exactly what you want out of the experience, then a day after to process what actually happened.

But this is where I stop caring whether wine snobbery is total bullshit. Our knowledge and intention are essential components to manifesting an experience. Honestly, if believing this wine tastes of cherries, this food paired with this whiskey tastes amazing, this THC strain relaxes vs energizes me, if that helps manifest a more full and satisfying experience, sign me up for the Matrix.


I mean 20 years ago i smoked an oz of shitty brick weed a week. Now 2 ounces will comfortably get me through a year. Shit is way stronger and I’m way less dumb now.

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I wish I were blessed with y’all’s restraint :joy:


IMP-5 week 7 of flowering phase