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I mean I think pot makes my anxiety worse at times but it’s still better than spending time in my sober brain.


I will not speak for Johnny, but for many people, the benefits far outweigh the negatives, especially when (as Johnny has done) you refine dosing and chemical compound to suit your biology and preferences. This gives users the desired effect with minimal to no exposure to side effects.

For example, a Sativa strain of THC makes many people feel energized and creative, but past a certain threshold, the effect manifests as anxiety and paranoia. That’s the price of an uninhibited imagination.

THC is not alone in this. Caffeine makes some people hyperactive and anxious, but mix it with…well, I forget the name of the chemical, but I used to take it with caffeine fifteen or so years ago.

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To be clear I wasn’t trying to be a downer. I think like most people here I have a lot of pretty negative thoughts these days, and a lot of anxiety even sober. It’s not like some hellish existence, it’s just like a low grade constant suck.

Smoking pot sometimes makes the anxiety worse but usually helps turn a night of sitting around being mildly irritable about everything sucking into a night of zoning out and chuckling at how bad the Witcher is or whatever.


I think I react almost exactly the way JT is describing. For me it’s more about drinking less. Getting high keeps me from drinking so much. So I’m healthier, am not hungover 3 days a week and will live much longer. Occasionally going overboard and getting to the anxiety/paranoia/introspection stage is just the price to pay for those benefits.

Prior to my medical card i smoked some but it was hard to know what you were getting and pretty much any indica dominant strain just made me want to sleep. It seemed like a huge % of the time thats what I got regardless of what my dealers over the years told me it was. So even though i had pot it always felt like terrible when I bought an expensive ounce or something and I hated the effects. So I didn’t really shift from booze to pot as much until I could get exactly what I wanted.

And as others have said it takes the edge off and makes tv, music, etc just a little bit better.


Come on now, I’ve done All The Drugs at least once. The good parts are the side effects.

But more srsly, if Johnny wasn’t talking about The Fear and,

then godspeed, smoke/vape/eat that weed. I was just surprised to hear itt him describe what I think he was describing.

I know but I also knew what you were getting at and it made me sad.

Not sure if srs

I’m saying desired vs undesired effects

Which to me means effects vs side effects


Yes that’s the one. Thank you.

I believe that is the difference in loving a drug and abusing it. Really, in loving or abusing anything. High-volume and/or consistent use doesn’t necessarily denote addiction or abuse. The difference is whether it’s compulsive and you can’t stop, even when it’s clear you’re harming yourself. But loving the hell out of something and then having to be deliberate about boundaries and limits, well that’s a package deal imo.

Like, I love sitting outside and drinking coffee in the morning. I love the state of mind that comes not just from the quiet but the rush from drinking a cup of the most prolific stimulant in perhaps the entire world. But I am also careful about my coffee or caffeine consumption. Too much too often isn’t good. Even a little too late in the day is not going to work for me.

And I do not drink alcohol at all. Even a little makes me feel like I have a hangover, so I don’t touch it. But I know people who feel like death when they drink, and yet one drink activates a compulsion to keep drinking so strong that it doesn’t matter how awful they feel. They cannot stop.


I love setting my alarm 2 hours early, popping a 30mg aderall, going back to sleep and waking up with my heart racing feeling like I just slept 12 hours




The first, tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP), is allegedly 30 times more potent than THC


In before it gets patented, turned into a pill, and is fully legal. I’m in danger indeed.

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Man, it sure would be nice to have a job and not be searching right now, for… reasons.

Hopefully they expedite a ruling. Could go to the Supreme Court.


Gotta be honest. I simply don’t get the high other people get from weed. I’ve tried it numerous times. People around me smoking the same stuff as me are getting high but I’m not.

Just doesn’t do it for me. Or maybe it does and it’s so subtle that I don’t notice it.

I’d like to get into it. I’m an epileptic and if something like CBD oil can help control my seizures, then I’m in!

IMP-5 week 4 of flowering:

That is my child.