Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

dont’ keep the males obv.


Instagram doesn’t embed but this absolute mad lad rolled a fully smokable chessboard and pieces.



I just got back from Vegas. When looking at the website for my favorite dispensary there (Reef), I saw they had a special on pre-rolls, which is what I usually consume in Vegas in addition to the vape pen I carry. I bought an assortment of 10 1g pre-rolls for $45. Not baking weed, but respectable 20% hybrids.

On a lark, I popped into one of those nebulously legal weed shops on the strip. The price for a single pre-roll: $25 (!)


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Jesus. Were they at least infused?

10 prerolls in OKC would run you about $8-10. Wild how variable the prices are.

Looks like a 10 pack in NJ is $67-$90ish. 5 packs for $25-$38. Guess it depends on the exact product, but def way worse here than other legal states.

Huh? Are they like a 1/4 g each? If not, I wouldn’t smoke whatever dirt they’re selling for $25 per ounce.

They are probably half gram joints although looking at what a 1g preroll looks like i think they are 1g. I dont buy prerolls because they are made with shake just about everywhere rather than broken up flower assuming we are talking about the ones that are on “sale”. But my buddy is constantly buying 20 fairly large joints for $15.

You can buy top shelf ounces here for like $60.

This is an ad from one of the higher end weed stores here:

ETA-Looked at the Reef website and it’s insane how much more expensive it is across the board than Oklahoma. Medical vs. Rec though and it’s super easy to get a license to sell pot here so there are hundreds of stores in OKC alone. My neighborhood’s intersection has 6. So there is a massive supply glut here. When we first went legal back in 2019 or whatever it looked a lot like the Reef prices. I mostly am a vaper these days and the most expensive 2 gram disposables are like $30 out the door. That’s about what you pay in Vegas for a .5g cart which is wild. I buy these 1 and 2g Dime vape pens in OKC for $20/$30. They are $55 there(plus tax i assume) for the .9g.

If you want to read about how fucked up Oklahoma’s weed market is for sellers this is a good fairly recent article:

Highlights are:
-14,000 medical marijuana dispensaries at the peak
-64 times more weed grown that needed to service the oklahoma medical market

All that adds up to insanely cheap weed. It’s a great situation for me but a lot of people are going/going to go broke before things normalize.

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That was all you needed to say :smiley:

Even here in the DMV, where weed is pretty cheap, primo weed goes for $200-$250/oz, while the 20-25% stuff I buy costs about $100-$140/oz.

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One of the worst parts about my move to WI is going to be the lack of legal weed. Maybe now that the state legislature will be ungerrymandered there will be progress. But weed seems fairly cheap in MI and it’s not that far of a drive.

Damn and that’s a live resin cart. Good stuff.

Similar thing happened in Oregon. Way too many grow licenses issued, headlines about how they grew too much weed for Oregonians to use, and then they can’t sell it out of state (legally) last I heard.

Smoking 4x as much as cali per capita


We shall see if that holds after rec stores are open in OH.

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Now add in the black market.