Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

I had a friend leave a container of gummies in his car on a hot day and they melted into a homogenous blob. It was like THC roulette.

We made homemade brownies with homegrown weed once. Good luck having the slightest clue how hard that’s gonna hit.

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When Michigan went legal 100mg of gummies was about $18. Now I can get 600mg for that.



WA totally fucked their edibles market by limiting each package to 10 servings of 10mg of thc, because someone’s kid ate half a chocolate bar or something.

I think NV is the same. They only seem to sell edibles in 5mg or 10mg pieces. Here in Northern VA I can get 600mg (50mg x12) delivered from a DC store for $40, with a $30 delivery charge regardless of the size of the order.

CA just recently opened to larger amounts. There is a 25mg x 50 capsul for about $40 which is great, but 25 tends to be way too much for me and there is no way to split it (think of it like a tylenol gelcap.)

I can get 2400 mg gummies for $75 delivered via the black market here in Vegas. That CA deal is similar.

Theoretically if you were to travel from a legal state to a non legal state, say like Florida, with a nondescript disposable cannabis vape pen in your bag that you forgot about, how likely is to be a problem?

The TSA doesn’t care.

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1.Are you white?
2. How worried are you about local yokels in FL getting a bit itchy if they see a nondescript vape?
3. I believe in the legality case, possession in FL even if from a legal state could cause potential hotwater, but Im sure there are millions in florida who are holding right now.

  1. Yes, very.
  2. Not terribly worried. Will be in a private a setting with friends. I use it for pain relief before and after physical activity, and won’t be puffing away in public or anything.
  3. My concern exactly. Don’t want to get caught by the florida/desantis goons and have it be an issue, but I’ve got to assume there’s plenty of floridians who use cannabis every day without a problem.

Germany will vote to legalize today, looking forward to put over a quarter of a century of living in crime behind me!


That’s fine I’ll just balance it with cocaine. That should reduce my risk of heart attack right?

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Strokes while high are particularly dangerous as it may make you hungry for toast.


I imagine it has to do with increased blood pressure. So to balance it, you just need to uncork a bottle of red wine every time you spark a blunt

I definitely feel the increased heart rate. And as someone who has had a bout with pericarditis it’s a bit scary. Not gonna stop tho lol

For anybody whos good at parsing study results, how did they control for things like weight, genetic history of heart attack and stroke, and diet?

“Since this study did have some limitations, including heart conditions and cannabis use being self-reported, researchers are calling for more research that follow groups of individuals over time to better understand the health implications of marijuana use.”

Wait, this was done off self reported numbers of both use and heart conditions? How does someone who was a heavy user and died of heart attack report the death?

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OK I’ve been growing cooking herbs indoors for a while now, this is my very first try at cannabis, I think he’s very pretty. I probably need a bigger container.