Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Yes? Not familiar with the Ohio legislation that passed but would be surprised if #8 represents any change in law.

You can fire someone for drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco during off hours? Wat?

Some hospitals won’t hire smokers, and airlines won’t let pilots drink X hours before their flights. So it’s usually edge cases.

Not sure if I am confused about the conversation here, but in the US you can generally fire an employee for any (or no) reason at all. For sure though smoking weed is one thing that can easily get you fired even in a state where it is ostensibly legal and many employers still test for it. Most notably the federal government.

There have been cases where employers have tried to enforce a no smoking policy for everyone, it usually doesn’t go over well.

Legislators trying to end around the will of the voters is a tale as old as time unfortunately.



Trying to figure out the biggest lol in that map. Gonna go with Idaho, never change fellas.

Im kinda surprised Wyoming didnt pick it up after Montana. I always kinda think of them as a package unit

Also, Texas being completely surrounded by minimum medical states and being the second most populous state is pretty ridiculous.

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Texas will be the last state to legalize.

Utah pulling off medical is kind of surprising tbh.

Home of Willie Nelson too

Honorable mention to New Hampshire - “Live Free or Die” my ass

Chemicals that do very similar things to weed still cheap and legal almost everywhere.

biggest lol is HI being only a medical state, and not full-on legal.

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Yeah NH is the most lol. Being sandwiched between Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts, you’d think theyd figure their shit out. Too bad all the people who can’t hack it in Boston move there for LOWER TAXES. Shit state, nice scenery though.

Me taking an online class on weekend mornings.

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