Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

You are a plebe. True cannabis ambassadors embrace the thrill of a THC enema. Mix it with caffeine for a Hippie High Ball that will send you into orbit faster than SpaceX.


itā€™s the right decision. heā€™s older. he should have switched to edibles years ago

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Pretty sure Snoop quit once before and it lasted about a week.

I will be four months without weed tomorrow. I had started experiencing super rapid tolerance and then long lasting withdrawals. Looking for six months without and then will see if anything has changed on that front. Hasnā€™t been difficult, I havenā€™t thought about it very much. Essential not to have any in the house though.


Im the same way, being off doesnt cause cravings, which isnt hugely surprising. It is generally non-addictive

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Anyone have experience getting a NY medical card? (looking to check out dispensaries in areas with reciprocal medical rules but no rec cannabis yet)

I have a decent amount of experience with edibles at this point, but very limited with flower/vape. Curious what, if any, differences you find in the experience between thc gummies and vapes. I ask because while I enjoy gummies for pain relief, relaxation, and just enjoying an evening, they have started to make me feel a bit meh the following morning. Almost like the head high is too much, if that makes sense. Wondering if vaping may provide a more enjoyable high with less grogginess/brain fog.

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Vaping/smoking is a much more immediate and powerful feel compared to eating, with shorter lasting effects. I find it easier to titrate a comfortable dose


Edibles can stay in your system a lot longer. Iā€™d definitely give a vape a shot if exploring alternatives. But as mentioned, a little goes a long way. Take a SMALL vape hit and see where you land.

Vaping can be very intense on that first pull if youā€™re not used to it, so really really slowly and small as you feel it out. Youā€™ll get a sense for whatā€™s good for you (or if itā€™s not). I have gone off THC several times and had to be just as restrained whenever Iā€™d vape again after being off a while despite being familiar with the effects.

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Good advice, ty. The few times Iā€™ve smoked the effects have been super minimal, and I canā€™t stand smoking anything, so Iā€™ve been hesitant to try vaping. Will have to do some research and see what option I have at the dispensaries near me.

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Vaping is only slightly less harsh than smoking imo. Both will send you into a coughing fit with too big of a hit.

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Ohio absolute woat

What a bunch of cocks

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1, 2 and 3 are fucked. like, fuck you. it better not pass tomorrow, literally the day before it becomes law.

they better not get away with this. increasing the tax, funneling it to the police and actually no you canā€™t grow it at home bc how will we tax it and give it to the police?

ohio gop might end up finding out next november.

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ohio fraternal order of police loses money from tickets/fines/court costs/impound/forfeiture?


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Apparently this is becoming more common and should expect more states overriding legalization with onerous laws and stipulations.

South Dakota did it years ago and I donā€™t think they have any kind of market for legal/rec use at all still.

8 is also super fucked. Can employers fire someone for smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol off hours? If not, fuck allllllllllll the way off

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