Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

I will read your posts there. Thank you for sharing. Glad you are okay and hope your sleep gets consistently good.

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Allowed to take edible after 4pm “won’t hit until I clock out”


There are places you cant eat in your car? Wat?

I guess I hadn’t seen this one before. Dig those mids Jack


Is it still the case that the recommended dose for anxiety is something like 300mg a day of cbd oil? That’s pretty expensive.

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30g of CBD is $19

Can you vouch for ordering from there or were you just giving an example? That’s definitely cheap enough to at least try for a month or two.

Yes, I received some of that exact product yesterday. You could also consider getting the THC-Free Crystal Resistant CBD Distillate | Gilded Extracts which has other minor “c-noids” without any of the strongly psychoactive ones.

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lol if that’s an eighth, they are getting fucking ripped off, and they deserve it.

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I hope this is satire bc otherwise it’s just too painful.

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Or that’s a giant hand. All things possible through Chris, I guess?

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Pot has shut down the Jolly Green Giant’s liver and turned him jaundiced.


That baggy contains the dangerous, Hispanic-sounding, schedule one narcotic, “marihuana”.

We are discussing legal, safe, American-made hemp products.

Our brilliant, exalted leaders, chosen from the very best of the greatest country in the world, figured out that the chemical in cannabis that causes instant death, or worse: reefer madness, is specifically D9THC. Furthermore, if you dilute THC to a concentration of less than .3% by dry weight (say, in a gummy) it too can become safe. This is why they passed one of the all-time great pieces of American legislation, the 2018 Farm Bill, which includes this text:

(B) The term ‘marihuana’ does not include hemp

The term ‘hemp’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

I suppose the confusion is based on the old misleading thread title.

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I’m still enjoying following New York’s botched rollout while buying $50 ounces at the gray market shops.

Acknowledging at the CCB meeting that there are significant supply issues in New York, the revised regulations are now proposing allowing RODs to co-locate their first dispensary before December 29, 2023, and co-locate their second and third dispensaries before June 29, 2024.


Looked this up after a cop on the local news who was talking about fentanyl in a panic and how heroin and coke are dangerous just blurted out ‘marijuana’ in the middle of his rant. Looks like my gut was correct again.



Recently traveled to another state that has different cannabis laws and availability. This led me to trying some delta-8 rechargeable disposable vape and I’m sold! It’s amazing what modern chemistry can whip up.

Unfortunately I live in a state that has made it illegal to sell in order to preserve the market and taxes for the existing cannabis industry. :harold: I was still able to order some from an online delta store, but not sure if it will actually get fulfilled.

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There is a lot of bullshit out there, see my recs upthread.

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