Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

yea but if youre there to have a good time and prone to anxiety anyway you dont wanna worry about anything at all

The odds of getting busted for smoking pot at a concert in Dillon, CO has to be approaching 0 imo. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. It might be technically illegal or against the rules or something but the idea that is going to be enforced just doesnā€™t mesh with my experience in 2020s USA in general and especially at concerts.

If you are going to worry about it and have a bad time then ya I agree it doesnā€™t make sense.


oh yea for sure, here I think itā€™s just a ticket? Iā€™d expect to just be told to put it out or get kicked out if I refused

theyā€™re pretty much like cigs here. maybe even more accepted, honestly.

anxiety w thc is a beeyotch. I always get it, I used to drink to offset it, but I figured out how to deal with it lately

I struggle with the anxiety too if I get too high. Not fun.

My wife realized she had been taking a vape pen/cart all around the world last summer when she looked into a rarely used pocket in her travel backpack when we were in Mexico City. We both had a good laugh about that. I sometimes do take my carts/edibles with me when I travel depending where we are going and how uptight I am feeling about things. I routinely smoke my vape pen at casinos that allow smoking. No one seems to care. Ya those things are probably a bit dumb but the odds of TSA finding it and doing anything has to be miniscule. Just put the cart or edible in your liquids bag and no one is ever going to notice it imo. I wouldnā€™t take flower through the airport but edibles/carts seem pretty safe. Of course being a 40 year old white guy vs. being Britney Griner probably has itā€™s advantages there.

Iā€™ve flown around the US with some joints but never an actual bag of flower. Wouldnā€™t personally mess with bringing weed internationally but Iā€™m not a heavy user and have no problem going weeks without it.

Seems like this is the correct answer. I asked the chick at the dispensary and she was like ā€œI smoke joints in there all the time, just donā€™t be a dick about itā€. So Iā€™m armed with a nice 1g hybrid preroll.


nowadays, if i bother with a whole joint at a concert, it better be infused with hash oil and keef too.

I visited a dispensary for the first time today, and purchased for the first time ever as well. Pretty cool experience to see how big the operation is, and see people from all walks of life there. It was shockingly busy. Oh and I saw one of my work supervisors there. He didnā€™t acknowledge me :rofl:.

Only bought these. Cost $35 + tax which im guessing is a lot but I have no frame of reference. Iā€™m sure they can get away with a massive markup in NJ.


100mg of gummies/chocolate is in the $20 to $25 range in WA, but that extra $5 gets you a 1:1 cbd/thc edible. These are fantastic:


Delicious chocolate and a really nice high.


Those look like something Iā€™d enjoy. Iā€™m guessing once the legal market matures a bit in NJ prices might come down, but based on the volume of business I saw them doing in the 30 mins I was there today, they have no need to lower prices right now. They literally employ several people just to direct traffic outside their building.

100 mg of gummies in norcal go anywhere from 15.50 to 25 depending on brand (and whether you are shopping on 15% off edibles Thursday or not)

NJ has pretty recently legalized? At first here in Oregon a lot of edibles were annoyingly expensive. A pack of Wyld gummies (10pc, 50mg) was like $20-25. Now, a few years later and with double the THC allowed, I usually buy Mule Kicker gummies (10pc, 100mg) for $6. Hopefully selection and prices similarly improve there. Iā€™ve been getting great flower deals here too, like 2oz for $80, which lasts me forever. Oregon grows so much weed, man.


Forgot to mention that I always use a discount, usually 15%, sometimes 20%, and 30% once or twice a year. WA had supply shortages and prices were ridiculous in the beginning. I kept buying quarters for $75 from a hippie lady I found on Craigslist until the dispenseries were able to undercut her. Took 4 months or so.

Can you feel the effects of cbd?

Yes, NJ legalized recently and rec sales started on April 21st of this year. There are only a handful of dispensaries in the state and the one I went to covers a pretty large region (and Philly/PA) which is probably part of why it was so crowded.

The cbd makes the high way more relaxing. I used to take a big dose of cbd before I left for work in the morning and it always hit me about halfway through my commute (under the Mercer Island lid on I-90). Literally felt like a weight being lifted off of me. My next tincture is going to be an ounce of 11-15% cbd trim. Really looking forward to it.

TR on the concert is that there was a convenient area off to the side by the lake where people were going to smoke and vape. Just as I got there a security guard walked towards the people and I was like oh are they going to get told off? But no he was going there to take a rip on his vape lol. I think I made a post when I was back in Seattle about how people make all these petty rules here and then they just arenā€™t enforced. Smoking, mask wearing, minor traffic rules like speed limits are barely enforced. Thereā€™s a bit of that in Australia but typically rules are way more likely to be enforced. FREEDOM I guess.

Anyway so I took a few rips off my joint and was uncomfortably high for a little while (I only smoked once before this on this trip and not for like a month before leaving so my tolerance is very low) but it smoothed out pretty nicely. Strain was ā€œApples and Bananasā€. Band were great. Weed made me feel the slightly sleazy sex appeal of the lead singer. Iā€™m straight so it didnā€™t manifest as desire, just Iā€™m normally oblivious to male sex appeal and it was suddenly there in awareness. Kind of interesting.

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Yeah, this is something I found to be true even in my limited time there.

My first exposure was within an hour or so of arriving.

When I went we flew into Sydney and then took a domestic flight to Cairns. When weā€™re trying to get through security there are people literally weighing and measuring passengerā€™s carry-on bags. Iā€™ve never seen that here. Sometimes if someone brings something huge it will be a problem. But never anything like that.

Yeah that is unusual even for Australia, mostly they donā€™t check but occasionally they will. But a lot of the stuff I have seen people bring carry-on here, there is no way that shit flies in Australia, figuratively or literally.