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I can’t figure edibles out. I have a tincture at home where I have no idea what the components are and that is relaxing. But the pure THC ones I tried here don’t seem to agree with me (anxiety).

What brands are you working with? I’ve got some people close to me and know a few brands/strains that work better for them, but I know that there arent a huge number of nationwide cannabis brands out there



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It’s probably a dosing issue. Were the THC ones marketed as sativa/indica? not like it matters, I think that difference is pure placebo or marketing gimmick, just curious. Sometimes dosing is hard on this stuff and not consistent.

I usually buy hybrid capsules filled with resin. Anxiety only happens when I take too much. Have you tried starting very small, like 2.5mg, and then slowly increasing to see where the sweet spot is?

It’s subtle too - my typical gnarly pain dose is 50mg these days. sometimes, if i go even a little higher, it is a bad time.

Pure THC will be more prone to anxiety than the typical CBD + THC dose you’d get from home made edibles.

They were mints, no strain info or anything, just 5mg THC. I tried them a few times and always had anxiety when they wore off and sometimes before. At this stage there isn’t a lot of point experimenting more. I’d rather be sober for the concert than uptight. I’ll get a hybrid preroll and if I can’t take it in I’ll hit it before I go in, or hopefully there will be passouts.

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vince3 (1)

my experience at colorado concerts is that there are plenty stealth tokers. i have not seen joints passed around, but lots of bourbon in plastic cups. sample size 2.

There are no passouts so thats annoying. I may go the gummy route. Any advice on brands or active ingredients or whatever to try to have a more chill experience? I’ll probably hit some of a preroll beforehand and sneak the rest in and hit it again if it looks like the coast is clear, but maybe ill take a gummy or two as a backup plan.

as much cbd as you can get or take it with a buttload of cbd oil would probably help.

what i know about thc is that when it’s in that form it’s all essentially the same shit. when you smoke you’re also getting the cbd, lots of edibles are just pure thc so I think they hit a little more anxiously

if i were you and wanted to smoke I’d buy a pen. they’re odorless.

I’d probably still light up if I wasn’t so asthmatic. in CA you can smell weed everywhere you go and definitely at a concert - at worst I’d expect to be thrown out, but security probably just tells you to put it out.


My BIL tells me he had no problems smoking a joint at Red Rocks earlier this summer, and that basically everybody was.


I"ve been enjoying the Revolution Mango Pineapple gummies. 5mg bears. Edibles have always disappointed me but detoxing for 2 months finally changed that.

I’m always fighting anxiety when getting stoned and these have helped. Maybe eat half a bear and take a couple of tokes off of a select indica.

it’s been such a blessing that THC is legal in California. I have a tremendous amount of physical ailments and pain, and I will not be prescribed pain medicine, and it also works well enough. The thing I hate is it makes you really fucking spacey and pain meds don’t do that at all, I could work on pain meds but there is zero chance I could do the same on THC. Or even the day after I took a bunch of THC. So lots of times I just had to live in pain until the weekend.

Alright, that seems like good news. I am going to buy the weed in Dillon so it occurs to me I can just ask the guy there and he will probably know what the deal is.

Edit: Although Red Rocks has smoking areas and Dillon Amphitheatre is a no-smoking venue. But like I said I’ll figure it out.

Get a pen and hold in your hits for like a minute until you exhale invisible vapor


ah i’m not the only one who’s done the ole bathroom to bar trot while red in the face trying to smile and not draw too much attention

Yeah same way you get high on a crowded bus

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You guys are worrying about this way too much I think. No one is going to mess with you for smoking at a concert in a ski town in Colorado unless you do it in the most moronic way possible.


Carts are a bit of a different high.