Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Is it decent? The $99 ounces in WA are all headache inducing garbage based on my two tries. I find that a half ounce of premium buds for $150 is a much better experience. I highly recommend anything from this company:

I canā€™t complain. It seems comparable to what I was getting from my dealer in ME for $200/oz (including a 70ā€™ one-way drive).


Looks good to me. Top shelf stuff here goes for $320/oz, but you can get 15-20% off pretty regulary. Total cannabinoids in the 25-30%+ range. Iā€™m about halfway through an 1/8 of this:


Itā€™s now 3+ months later and I still have at least 1/2 oz left of this Blue Dream; my flower vape doesnā€™t use a ton. I went to that dispensary yesterday for gummies and they had more Blue Dream (this time at 31.45%) and now it was $80 for 2oz so of course I bought it. Apparently thereā€™s no inflation for cannabis products here and man I have a lot of grass man


Just finished my latest batch, yield was 3.97lb. Mainly royal runtz and super crititical bud cbd which have been a huge success in the past. I only keep enough dry-ice hash to last until the next batch and sell the rest @ ~$580/oz. Nowadays growing is purely a hobby for my mental health. Making the best, not strongest, bud is a thing of beauty. I have a friend who has access to gas chromatography equipment and I like the numbers Iā€™m getting. But LOL @ any wholesale bud being ~30% THC. Itā€™s like ā€œthis group of humans run 100m in 9.68sā€.


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

I rarely buy more than an eighth of any one strain.

Thereā€™s just too much variety in a legal state to want to mow through so much of the same flavor

Notes on this yearā€™s growā€¦ Nothing technical here.

This region of NY has been in drought conditions for a bit (though starting to ease up). Iā€™ve ben using water from my dehumidifier to water the plants, to avoid drying out my well. Climate changeā€¦

I probably wont use buckets again. Iā€™m not even sure why I am right now, except at first I wasnā€™t sure where the plants would go. ā€¦ My sense is that the buckets have made irrigation harderā€¦ I also underwatered for a bit, not realizing how fast the moisture was evaporating. Definitely made a few mistakes this year.

Started seeds way too early. This gal started flowering weeks ago. Oops.

Planning to use some bat guano from barn. 1 tbl to a pint of water, let it sit overnight for some tasty tea.

I bought 30 seeds, and think I have about 17 plants in varying degrees of health. A few look really niceā€“relative to my own experience anyway. This is the first year I topped/fimā€™d a plan, and will definitely do more next year.

This isnā€™t mine, but. Described to me as ā€œhy c purple runtsā€ but maybe they just meant purple runtz. Anyway best Iā€™ve found in a whileā€¦NY legal but not many shops yet.


Nice work! Have you checked the PH of the dehumidfier water? If memory serves itā€™s extreme.
Hint for using buckets: judge moisture by the weight. A quick lift can tell you all you need to know about water content.

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In WA there was a lack of supply initially and weed prices were ridiculously high for a month or two, so Iā€™d recommend steering clear of the dispenseries until stuff sorts itself out.

Iā€™ve been making tinctures with grain alcohol, an ounce of 20-25% THC trim, and a Magical Butter machine set at 130 degrees for 8 hours. I get about 5 cups of infused alcohol out of it, which I cook down to 2-3 ounces. Each 1/2 oz dropper bottle has 1000-1250 mg of THC, which I didnā€™t figure out for a while. Gave my sister a bottle and recommended a half dropper full to start, which wound up being a ~100mg dose. Too much heavy indica! Her texts went from Iā€™m excited to try this to HOLY SHIT over the course of an hour, then nothing. That was two years ago and sheā€™s still sitting on half a bottle.

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Lol, that dosage makes me think of this.

I finished off an 80/20 indica dominant tincture an hour ago. Iā€™m guessing 60 drops at 3-5mg/drop. My tolerance levels are off the charts right now and Iā€™m high af. Hereā€™s a picture of the tincture in a cup of coffee:

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these are delightful


When you describe
whats come over you

Calling all Coloradoians. I am seeing a show at Dillon Amphitheater on Wednesday night, itā€™s a venue that looks something like this.

Iā€™m aware of what the laws are on public use of marijuana but realistically, what are the chances of bringing a joint in and hitting it quietly in the corner? Will anyone care?

I went to a show a few summers ago in Washington (legal state) and we had to go through security and a metal detector and they handed everyone a notice that any weed use would be prosecuted. They were letting people get fall down drunk, but no weed. There were people smoking here and there and nobody seemed to care. I think if you kept it on the low down youā€™ll probably be ok. I think the fine here is only $50 anyway.

Just pop a couple gummies on the uber ride there

and another 4 or 5 when you get in.