Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Baked with the broseph


For folks growing your own, what was the learning curve like and what’s an ballpark cost for lights, etc? I realize that depends on a ton of factors. Considering starting to grow indoors. What was the learning curve like?

I’ve grown outdoors with minimal efforts and generally average results. Can’t be that different?

My indoor tent setup cost like $2500 all in. Pretty easy, I did it all myself. When it’s rolling I’d only check in on it for like an hour a week to change the water and stuff. It’s sitting idle for half the year because it produces so much more than I use


A lot of this depends on the size of your grow area and some specifics around your needs. For example, I was in an apartment and stealth was important, so the tent + exhaust fan setup with a carbon filter was a requirement.

Grow Tent: $120-200, 2ft x 4ft x 5ft (60cm x 120cm 152cm)
Grow Light: ~$200+ 400w HPS. I think I’d go the LED route if I were setting up today because of temperature concerns, but am not competent enough to know the replacement here
Exhaust Fan + Filter: ~$100-150
Seeds/Clones: $25-50
Pots/Soil/Nutrients: ~$50
Other: $50-100, this would be things light hangers, temperature/humidity monitor, timer for your lights

So all-in on the high end is about $700-1000 for a basic setup to get you going. You can certainly find things cheaper and/or omit stuff that may not be needed. Everything else is a recurring expenses like water, nutrients, soil, etc or possibly a one-time expense later on if you want to upgrade the setup. It has been years since I grew or purchased any equipment so prices may be a little low.


I would like to produce about 2 pounds a year, total. I have access to outdoor space and a decent growing season. It could all be done outdoors, I’m sure, but even though NY legalized and individuals can have a few plants, that’s probably big enough to make me nervous … Indoors I have plenty of space and privacy.

Where do folks get seeds? I was looking at some seed banks and they seem really expensive – old prices based on cannabis being illegal, basically. $6/seed, though with a guarantee to germinate … growing outdoors once a year, I’d probably not be cloning, right?

What are the tents for? Humidity control? Bouncing light around? Odor?
Do you guys have any idea what your indoor setups pull in terms of power? Watts? And what kind of yield are you getting?

This is really just me being curious. I spent so much on weed in 2021 that I can’t imagine it’s not economical to do myself.

3000€ all in, 300x150cm, 960w leds, water chiller, xiaomi smart plugs, temperature & hygrometer sensors. Everything is automated and I can control it all with my phone. Yield is ~1,5kg. If something is worth doing it’s worth overdoing.



About fucking time they at least tried.

Yea, this took me by surprise, i didn’t think they were trying

Lucked into a good deal at my neighborhood place: 2oz Blue Dream (28.5%) for $90



Happy 4/20. Currently in the process of decarbing 2 ounces of trim to make a couple of tinctures. A 90/10 Indica dominant and a 75/25 sativa dominant. Should be in the 3-5mg per drop range after I boil off the alcohol.

ETA–Batch one complete, pretty high confidence in my 3-5mg/drop estimate


From desert plains I bring you nugs
From desert plains I bring you love

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Legal recreational sales started in NJ today fyi


on 4/21???

Some official in NJ stated they were afraid opening day would be even crazier at the dispensaries if they planned it for 4/20.

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