Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

I saw Rollins in '97 or so. It was great. Before or after Beck in his prime on same stage.


kid is as extreme as Rollins. extremity

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Considering a commercial grow in NM. Hoping someone here is considering the same.
Would love any insights into this venture.


I am currently. We’re done with application stuff and have the full large production license along with a retail space. Waiting on approval but are at the front of the line.

Using a known consultant who’s also been very involved in the legislative process on this.

Are you local in NM?

Just across the border in texas, relocating to NM soon.

GL with your app, hope yu get teh greenlight soon.

Shopping real estate for grow location atm.

Your reply makes me realize i need a good consultant.

Any advice on how to find one?

Our warehouse search was ridiculously drawn out and we had several owners back out after finding out what our intended use was. My partner had a news story done here in Albuquerque about the issues with landlords and stigma regarding the industry.

We’re using P2M Cannabis Group and they have a site worth checking out. NM is very old boy network and it behooves you to be friendly with certain folk.

Feel free to PM me with any other questions.

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Thanks so much, GL.

Gotta fly for the first time since, this weekend. From newly-legal NY, through DC, to still-illegal SC. … last time I flew, I didn’t worry about small amounts and basically kept it in checked baggage. Not sure I’m checking a bag this time, so … thoughts?

Answered my own question, I think. … Not really sure why I’m worried, Habit, I guess …

Buy and repackage some edibles and don’t worry about it at all?

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My friend travels with a briefcase and puts carts in with his pens with the plan to just say they were legal where he was and that he forgot. Never been bothered.

I accidentally flew with about a line worth of cocaine once that I forgot about. It went through the wash and pulled it out of the shirt pocket it was left in while belly up in the middle of a packed bar because I didn’t know what it was. Tasted like Tide.

Just walked in the door, back from South Carolina for a family trip. My girlfriend came with. Oh my fucking god. Family is traumatizing enough, today was travel hell, delayed flight, and our first time being this stressed and really STUCK with one another. Upstate NY has had a ton of rain, and we arrived in a downpour. Got home to a puddle on my kitchen floor from a new leak in this old farmhouse. Now getting very high.

My cat is happy to see me. My gf and I will be fine. I don’t think I can ever do that family trip again. … families just have special ways to torture one another …

So, I did wind up taking a bunch of gummies and my GF and I both agreed we’d switch to edibles almost entirely if they were easier to dose and had a faster onset. Edibles are the way to go, imo.

You can get widely different highs. I took a bunch of these weird gray market 30 mg gummy squares. Maybe 40 with me. Now there’s 2 left … gf took some cookies she baked. … a single gummy I found really helped deal with weird situations and anxiety. I’d say for actual medicinal use, this was a really good dose. … Then, 4-5 and things start to get pretty jumpy.

Last night in Charleston we ordered takeout from a nice place and had to navigate there pretty ripped (maybe 3 gummies). I enjoyed that. She stepped in a bigass puddle and we got weirded out in a seedy convenience store trying to buy wine (failed).

Can’t stop typing, so, probably stoned.


I get my face melted off from one gummy lol

This weekend I went into the local market and was able to buy a vegan curry, craft beer and 3 grams of crazy expensive cannabis … though technically I bought a large sticker of a racoon and was gifted the pot.

New York dropped some rules last month(?) so markets here are sloooowly getting started. No retail sales yet, technically, dispensaries are probably a 2023 thing. But legally buying weed with a credit card was totally trippy. Fun!

Paid $15/gram for some nice bud with an uplifting effect. Usually spending about $7/gram.