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Yeah, it’s amazing, so easy to use and quick. Plus easy to take with you traveling. This model is a little older, the newer one has a better coil but haven’t had any issues with this one. Plus we got the travel glass which you can lock at the top so the water doesn’t spill if it isn’t upright


Does anyone here have experience or insight into the question of whether it is safe to vape while on a drug that taxes the liver? The Internet seems to think it’s no problem but it also says all the THC gets processed by the liver which to me suggests inhaling is just as much a strain on the liver as edibles. I’m afraid I should know how that all works but I don’t.

My last blood work said my liver was a little above normal acceptable limits and I hadn’t been doing anything except vaping quite a bit.

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This seems relevant.

Oh, if you are worried that thc itself is causing liver issues (I am not a doctor) but I think that is almost impossible unless you have other underlying liver issues.

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That is my concern and I feel foolish for worrying but what I want is for someone to tell me it definitely won’t cause any problems. Which I realize is not a reasonable expectation.

Thanks for link though I had found that before. My reading of the conclusion is that they don’t see much of a problem but more study is needed.

Basically I really don’t want to quit and want the internet to tell me I don’t need to. I’m already off alcohol and nicotine and I can’t be out in the sun so I’m pretty short on things to do.


I’d minimize at much as possible just in case tbh. That goes all my pothead tendencies. Hope it works out!


Well. I was doing a bunch of vape hits every day and now I’m only doing a couple. But I’m still doing it every day.

Also I found the whole experience is better since I reduced my consumption. I didnt get more happy when I was hitting it harder, just more weird.

I’d been a fairly heavy drinker especially the last few years (shocker), but really the last 10, and getting drunk at least once a week has been my life for the past 20 years. I’m hoping that what the blood tests are showing is a liver that is just a little overworked due to my history and not because of what I’m doing right now.


Making my first ever concentrate-infused brownies.

Edibles have never affected me, but I’ve only done some weak ass **** a few times. Not sure if I’ll partake today or tomorrow, but I hope I’m not one of those sad saps whose liver lets me down.


Grunched, so wasn’t aware of the prior liver talk.

Hope it all works out ThisGuy.


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Wife purchased me one bc she knew I wanted one but would hem and haw and never buy it myself.

I use it as kind of a starter before cold dabbing. It’s nice, but for the situational purpose of ease imo. Banger and butane torch is still my fave (propane burns too hot ime).

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Thank you sir. If anyone is curious, my liver enzyme count went back down to acceptable levels on the last month’s blood test, throughout which I was vaping every day but generally only four or five hits per night. So, at least for me, the THC at this daily dosage didn’t spike anything in my liver.

I don’t know whether vaping caused me to exceed acceptable limits on the previous month’s test when I was doing a lot more, but I do know that on this particular medication about 10 to 15 percent of patients show a little too much liver stress the first month and most of them go back down the next month. I’m guessing that THC had nothing to do with any of it given how common it is for people to experience exactly what I experienced without being on anything.


Fuck yeah Tasmania. IDK if most of you guys are aware of the history, but Tasmania has a super shameful past on LGBT rights, basically not totally legalising homosexuality until 1997. Thing is since then, it’s progressed to have perhaps the best LGBT laws in the country, and to be a state which - well it sort of seems to have learnt from the anti-progress years. Like it’s not generally very left wing, the conservatives are in charge there right now. But that’s the thing - this backdown on testing rules happened with the conservatives in power, which shows the general will of the state reps there towards individual freedom, across the political spectrum. Environmentally and economically etc, more of a mixed bag.


@Lawnmower_Man what do you think of that phrasing?

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I’m jealous of you guys. Wife has put the ban on flower since the baby came. Carts just aren’t close to the same :/

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I think I’m gonna fuck with you, motherfucker!

what would life be without that attitude?

@Lawnmower_Man learn those Step Back guitar riffs and record 'em :upside_down_face:

Wish I could plug in right now. Some kind of weird harmonization going on there like dorian, mixolydian, or harmonic minor.

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the ‘unorthodox vocal’ allows for the guitar to do more ‘altered’ melodic stuff underneath lol

that album is colossal Weight