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The real question is how many people can’t handle it and how do you account for that.


IDK. I hear what you are saying but also drove with tons of people in high school that had no issues until alcohol was involved. Some people start jamming out to music or eating their food and cause issues. Automated taxis ftw.

Driving is becoming a night mare. Who will make the final decisions on conflicts tho? When it comes to self driving vehicles.

So, I’m thinking back to high school alone. At lunch in the 90s there were 3 dozen or more cars probably getting high. How many people do you think are high on US roads each day?


Based on data from a national survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the CDC said 3.2% of all people ages 16-25 reported driving in those conditions in 2014. Four years later, that figure for all those 16 and older was up to 4.7%, a total of 12 million.

While the number pales in comparison to the 20.5 million (8%) who admitted driving while under the influence of alcohol in 2018, the findings are nonetheless troubling for public health professionals.

The colonies have this really fucked up mentally when it comes to allowing paternalistic government intrusion for “the lower classes”. The UK is the worst when it comes to surveillance, detention, search, seizure, Australian drivers have no right not to be arbitrarily stopped/tested, Canadians don’t really believe in free speech for the most part, etc.

My estimate is lol but find it hard to believe it’s only 1 out of 20.

I never drive after 1 or 2 beers anymore at all for the record. I did an English paper on MADD and the MN alcohol DUI change from .10 to .08 when it happened and an overwhelming amount of accidents that were alcohol caused were .14 or higher. An even higher percent of all alcohol related deaths were above .14. I’m for permanent suspension of a drivers licenses for super high BAC contents also.

I thought it would be higher than that percent too @funcrusherplus lol. That’s pretty low imo.

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I rarely drink and this is a big reason why.

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Yeah the other thing is, I’m in a couple Facebook groups in which people post the locations of random testing, because sometimes I’m driving within 12 hours of using and I’m also never excited about testing the theory that 12 hours is the detection limit. These tests are supposedly “random”, it’s in the name, but they are disproportionately set up in poor areas. There are setups in the outer northern and southern suburbs on virtually a daily basis, meanwhile living in the inner north I haven’t even sighted a setup in like 5 years. They do this because they catch more people that way, but what it amounts to is that well-off people are allowed to do drugs and poor people aren’t. The punishment of losing your license is also much worse for working class people, like if I lost my license I’d be like “oh well guess I’m Ubering places”, like it would be an inconvenience but that’s it. If you’re like a plumber or an electrician you are properly fucked.


I used to own a breathalyzer. .08 is quite drunk. .10 for me is in the range where I’m concerned about feeling sick the next day.

I know this 100 lb or so girl that had one drink at our dive bar years ago and then went to work and got pulled over and blew a .09 lol.

That being said, you do you. I’m just relaying stats I pulled up doing a paper on whether the BAC content should be lowered from .10 to .08. It seemed like a MADD & gov’t profit scheme to me targeting social drinkers. My English teacher gave me an A for the persuasive paper so I must have done alright. Probably not though he had a red nose so probably just agreed with me because.

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I’ve always had a fear of some moron/asshole driver causing an accident after drinking just enough to blow but not really be even buzzed.

Not worth it.


Yup. I uber everywhere where I expect to have alcohol now days. That’s why my car has 27k miles lol. I use it for travel only and uber everywhere.

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Maybe being from the PNW skews my perspective, but I would snapcall over 7% for 16-25.

I thought under Funcrusher’s percent but more than yours. Like 15-20. Thinking about all the old fucks who drive worse than anyone on weed it’s probably lower than I though originally. Give it a few more years. I’m also for driving tests after a certain age. Especially now with Ubers and shit.

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My aunt has neuralgia & has not been doing well, the treatment that she is on is not working so well and she’s going for more tests.

Don’t know what she’s using for it but from my little knowledge of the desease most drugs have little effect and she says that’s seems to be true so far.

Does anyone here know of anyone who has used cannabis for neuralgia or has in the past and if they recommend it.

The only problem is that she’s a straight head and her daughter is a pharmacist.

If anyone has any good study on neuralgia/cannabis use or suggestions I’d be grateful, thanks in advance.


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Saw there’s some forum drama and sort of caught up on the PM thread luckily I’ve been on vacation and taking dabs from here most days. Also brought a few rolled blunts of flower over here but those are for special occasions while out here