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Feeling hungover the next day is normal.

I haven’t felt it from just smoking in 20 years but the weed was considerably weaker then.

How long did the hangover last? I get an edibles hangover sometimes when combined with heavy smoking but my morning coffee usually gets me over it.

ETA: If you’re enjoying it enough to not want to give it up definitely try something with less thc and even consider a 1/1 cbd/thc ratio.

I’m detoxing right now and going sober for a few months. When I resume I’m going to try a 1/1.

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Also most people don’t smoke every day.

Consider that I have smoked a gram + daily of nugs for 20 years and my life status starts to make more sense.


It wasn’t a hangover like an alcohol one that I’m too familiar with. Just kind of brain fog and my body felt a little different most of the day. Think I’ll try lower thc / higher cbd next time.

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You could even try just lower thc. I still haven’t tried a 1 to 1 yet for full disclosure.

Let this post sit a few days and you should get some more helpful replies.

I’m not any kind of weed expert, so take this for what it’s worth…

If I had to guess about why you felt “not normal” for a whole day after your two hits, is because your tolerance to THC is nonexistent, so you’re feeling every bit of it. And also I’d guess that, since (IIRC) you don’t drink, you’re more sensitive than a lot of pot smokers to variations in how your body and mind feel.

I think what strategy you should try next time depends on what you are trying to achieve. This also relates to your question about whether or not weed is “for you.”

From reading your post from yesterday, it seems like you were after something that would help you sleep. How I interpret what you’ve reported is that it didn’t help you sleep as much as you had hoped, and you also felt off the next day, with brain fog and some body effects that you didn’t like (?).

If that’s the case, then yeah, something with a lower THC percentage, and/or some CBD in there might help you dose yourself with a smaller amount of THC. That might give you the effect you want with less unwanted effects. (You could also try that pre-roll again but just hit it one time and see what happens.)

You should be able to find strains that are around 1:1 CBD:THC, and there are also strains that are more like 3:2 (example, like 9% CBD, 6% THC). Harlequin is one of the well-known ones. Leafly categorizes it as a sativa but I wouldn’t put too much stock in the sativa/indica thing. In my mind the differences more come from (from most effect to least): the mix/proportion of cannabinoids, what temperature you heat the weed (i.e., vaping vs. smoking), and what terpenes are present.

On weed and sleep… Everybody’s body and experience with how weed works in them is different, so I hesitate to offer any definitive statements. I’ll note that for me, weed isn’t a magic bullet for my sleep issues. It is the case that, when I’ve used weed, I don’t wake up at 3:00 and struggle to fall back asleep (which is something that I experience somewhat regularly), but at the same time, the sleep that I do have feels less restful than a good night of “sober” sleep.

So… shrug emoji… Hope that helps a little. Feel free to come back with more info about what you’re after and maybe we can come up with some more ideas.


Last weekend I smoked two entire 1 gram pre-roll joints of 21% THC over the course of three hours and I didn’t even get particularly high. I’ve never gotten paranoid or had a panic attack or anything.

I’m spaced out every day though. That’s where the excess THC seems to go. My new plan is to only partake when I’m with friends, or only once a week by myself.

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When I was a kid we called that The Stupids and yeah that’s essentially a weed hangover from being a lightweight.

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Also, I thought indica is the “in da couch” strain, so maybe try that if you want sleepiness. Speaking for myself, I try to time it so that I’m coming down off of the effects before I go to bed, or I have some odd sensory effects while trying to get to sleep. I’m also a lightweight.

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Thanks for the pointer to Falcanna. I probably wouldn’t have picked it out of the weed store lineup before but today I picked up an eighth of Diesel Thai.

Really great weed. Buds are hand trimmed and very pretty, frosty as heck (doesn’t show up well on my crappy photo below). Smell is great, vapes nice too. High af after a few Pax rips. A++ would vape again.


That pizza video is great. … saw my dude, he’s out of his usual stuff but had an indoor strain from California called “Scooby diesel.” Zero mention of this online that I find. Anyone heard of it?


Yeah, the “Fuck that’s delicious” shows are pretty hilarious. I like the older ones with his buddies a little better, but that pizza one had me almost literally drooling like that Homer gif.

Strains and strain names are all over the place so who really knows about your new bud. The “diesel” in the name makes me think it’s probably something crossed with Sour Diesel, which is a pretty-well known old standby sativa strain.

The “Scooby” part is less clear, but I’d guess the other strain in the cross is Scooby Snacks, which is itself an indica-dominant hybrid of a couple hybrids (according to Leafly).

In any case, that bud looks pretty good to me. Let us know what you think of it!

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Yeah, your guess woulda been mine. Smoked a lot of diesel, none of the scooby, so tough to say. But this is nice. A little euphoric. Did some bong rips before an online meditation, nice combo.



Friend of mine rolled what he described as a “massive joint” and smoked it at midnight last night. Police advice on random roadside tests is that weed can be detected for up to 12 hours after using, but there are plenty of anecdotes of people who have tested positive outside that window. He got pulled over for a random test at noon. Clear.


Random urine tests? Da fuk?

I’m going to stuff a RAW Hemp paper cone atm.

No, it’s a saliva test. Just about every day here there are setups where they pull drivers over for random tests. Used to be just alcohol, but now they also test for weed, meth and MDMA, all of which can be tested for via saliva.

I think it sucks because it’s not actually testing impairment. For meth you can test positive up to two days after using. A magistrate in NSW resigned recently because he was sick of taking away people’s driving licenses for weed positives. Made comments in the media basically saying there was no evidence it was making the roads safer and that people were being unjustly punished for being impaired when they aren’t.

Edit: They literally ran a billboard campaign headlined “Get Caught Long After The High Is Gone” and I was like, uhh, isn’t that manifestly unjust? Like the ad is literally saying they’re going to bust you when you’re not impaired. I get that the drugs are illegal but the penalty should be whatever you get for possession, rather than taking your license away. People need their licenses for work.


Crazy. I’ll probably catch flack here but don’t care. I have driven more miles than most people in my life (I know my Forester has 27k but I drove other vehicles and work vehicles and have had a CDL) and can’t remember the last time I didn’t drive high. I have caused zero accidents and have saved myself from hundreds of fender benders by being aware.


Yeah I’ve seen a study or two saying it’s not really dangerous, especially if you’re a regular user.

From the time I started. Lunch at school. Go drive around and smoke a joint because the cops are patrolling the lot. GF and I used to run our dog and smoke and watch sunset down gravel roads etc. etc. I’m a criminal.