Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

You might just have a really good liver.

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I think I would have been blasted if it had been literally my first attempt. Like the first time I smoked a pre roll I took about 4 hits on top of quite a few beers and my heart was racing (didnā€™t like that part) and I was very happy and high. Itā€™s never happened quite like that to me again though. These are legal, advertised as about 23 percent THC, pre rolls for the record.

I donā€™t need to be hitting this stuff every day anyway. Itā€™s never made me freak out but it often makes me melancholy, like I start thinking about my whole life and getting sad, which I thought wasnā€™t supposed to happen with weed. Do you guys ever experience a marijuana sad?


Well Iā€™m glad to hear it does happen to other people. I think part of it is just that itā€™s getting me in touch with my own feelings that Iā€™ve been suppressing for years. Which hopefully will end up being a good thing.

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Ha I like the way you put it.

If I use for an extended period it doesnā€™t stop working exactly, like Iā€™m in an altered state so I guess thatā€™s being stoned, but it just stops being fun and I can end up feeling anxious or mildly paranoid or whatever. For me thatā€™s a sign that I need a break.


I used to get that a fair bit, especially in my mid to late 20ā€™s. Iā€™d smoke a J then contemplate all the bad stuff about my life and promise to start to sort it all out as soon as the J had worn off. Of course as soon as Iā€™d sobered up Iā€™d just roll another one etc etc.


Count me as one who can go down dark holes when high.

One memorable time it was like I was flipping through a mental rolodex of all my friends and family members. For each, I spent some time thinking about all the negative and sad aspects of their lives, especially if I had some role in said aspects. Spent what seemed like an hour on it. Thankfully once I realized what was going on I was able to refocus on something else.


Yes this is me at 40. But only when I do it alone.

My brother and I both have started getting together every couple weeks to smoke and itā€™s been nothing but good times. We watch comedy shows and laugh ourselves to tears. Best idea so far has been him getting a Paramount + subscription so we can watch Reno 911. Highly recommend.


My brother said one night he got to thinking about how our father is old and in not great health and is likely to be dead in five years and got himself depressed over that. Good times.

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Thread dead for three days, SAD!

Iā€™m getting going with some ā€œPowderhoundā€ in the Pax. Itā€™s a Jack Herer x ā€œmystery strainā€ from a local grower. Itā€™s good but doesnā€™t have that great of a flavor/aroma compared to the Grapefruit I posted about a while back.

Had a thoughtā€¦ Has anyone tried weed for alleviation of post-vax symptoms?


Any of you have experience treating Shingles pain with edibles? Cause Iā€™m about to be doing that but Iā€™m fairly inexperienced when it comes to thc.


Soā€¦ Do you think it helped? :grin:

I donā€™t have any personal experience, but a while back I did a bunch of ā€œresearchā€ (really googling) on nerve pain for a family member. From what I remember there are some studies that indicate that cannabis can help. Shingles isnā€™t exactly only nerve pain, but itā€™s related to the nerves, so itā€™s worth trying.

If youā€™re a THC/weed newb, the usual advice with edibles definitely applies. Take a small amount (like 5mg) and wait a good couple of hours before you add more. Since youā€™re trying to treat pain and not get high, Iā€™d go for a regular schedule of small doses, like maybe 5mg every 6-8 hours or something.

You might also try adding some CBD into the mix. You could try a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio and see what happens. You could even go heavier on the CBD, but my ā€œresearchā€ led me to believe that some THC is necessary for pain relief, so I wouldnā€™t have high hopes for straight CBD.

Anyway, just my non-doctor, no-personal-experience thoughts, so take them for what theyā€™re worth. Hope you get through the shingles quickly!

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I appreciate your insight. Iā€™m a relative newb. Detailed some of my first experience with edibles itt last fall. I think 10mg had little effect but 15 and 20 got me high. Iā€™m getting both thc and some cbd so Iā€™ll try what you suggest and take it slow.

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Iā€™ve been smoking a $20 bag of trim my guy sold me to bake brownies with. I ā€¦ canā€™t really tell the difference. Hurry this legalization shit up NY.

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No need to rub snakeoil into your shingles that sounds painful and pointless. Start low/slow with the edibles.

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I ate a gummy when I woke up the day after my second shot of moderna and a couple more throughout the day and experienced very minor side effects (my stomach was super noisy, with some farts and burps and the back of the roof of my mouth felt inflamed like it does when Iā€™m getting sick).

So, based on my scientific study, edibles are 100% effective at eliminating major vaccine side effects.



Okā€¦ Give me the rundown Marty, I may commit & open a bitcoin account. :grin:


Any updates about this? Hope you donā€™t have it too bad!

Whenever I hear about shingles I think of someone on this forum (dlk9s?) who had it in one of his eyes. Sounds horrible.

Thanks for checking in. Still dealing with it and itā€™s as awful as youā€™ve heard. Itā€™s been one of the most uncomfortable weeks Iā€™ve experienced, and unfortunately Iā€™ve gone through my fair share of very painful experiences. Thankfully itā€™s not near my face though as apparently that is even worse.

My friend brought me a ton of different gummies so I indulged over the weekend when the pain was at itā€™s worst. It definitely helped. I still felt the pain but was laughing at it. Listened to some music in a dark room and just let my mind go. I really enjoyed the experience.

Iā€™m still in pain although it is much much better. Now Iā€™ve just been unbelievably itchy for the past 72 hours near where the rash is. Like burning fire ants crawling all over me around the clock. It sucks.

Maybe I should dip back into the gummiesā€¦

Some of what was gifted to me: