Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Depending on the location and type of work, they may not really give a fuck about weed, even if they test for it. Especially if you’ve been working for them for a while and they know you aren’t a dumbass and will make them money.


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Man, this is my sincerest hope. I have to imagine there are a ton of companies in CA who are taking this route right now. It will all come down to how stringent HR is and how high the concentration is in

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What kind of mg load do you think you get when you smoke? I’m a pretty relatively light user. 5-10 mg edibles 2-3 times a week

They do the saliva tests at random drug/alcohol stops on the roadside here and police guidance is that weed is detectable for up to 12 hours from a single use and maybe up to three days for heavy users. I assume this is a piss test though if it’s a ten-drug panel. The roadside saliva tests only detect weed, MDMA and methamphetamine, they’re not specific enough to check for anything else.

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Heavy heavy user and had to pass for work release for driving offense. I bought tests to find out how long it took and to know for sure I was clean. Took 43-44 days to be below 20 ng/ml.

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What is heavy use?

I don’t eat edibles too much but when I get them I’ll have maybe 50mg a day, joints usually have a gram in them and I’ll smoke at least a couple a day but usually with someone else. Also I think how fast it gets out of your system is partially weight dependent, I’m pretty skinny so it’s probably easier to flush it out of my system quicker. But basically do what mysteryconman said including the thing from GNC, many people I know have used it and think it works great.

With your use and having a week to consciously flush out your system I think you should be good

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I’m seeing & hearing more about this, people be going to work & drinking not really giving a fuck, brother has said the same, lol.

This pandemic man :rofl:

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All day. Everyday. For several years.

Think I’m going to try something in Vegas next week to chill / help sleep. Would love some general guidance before I go into a dispensary and talk to a budtender. I haven’t smoked in over 10 years. It started giving me really bad paranoia my second year in college, but I enjoyed it before that. I was also always drinking back then.

Sober now and the only thing I use is caffeine. Should I look for an Indica? Vape? Edible? My only plan right now is to try a very small dose in my room at night.


+1 to fidgets recommendation indica leaning hybrid is probably best bet for feeling relaxed and yeah just take a couple of pulls from a joint and put it out after that.

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I’d say vape pen. No smell, can’t mess it up. Doesn’t really matter what strain or whatever. Take like a single 1-2 second drag from it, cough your lungs out for 30 seconds while you feel your brain warping, and then wait 20-30 minutes before considering whether you want another. And you can easily sneak it in your carryon bag on the way home if you want.

Probably not worth it. Just toss it before you leave the state

Although you can probably consult the Peter Griffin skin color chart first to verify whether you would be ok

TSA doesn’t care about those things because they assume they are just e-cigarettes, especially if it’s a flight within the US.

My buddies and I have taken 3-4 pre rolled weed joints in our luggage to local and international locations the past few years and no one has ever said a thing. Of course this isn’t an endorsement but just a data point as of what the risk might be. We are all white but a couple of us have some pretty Arabic names because we are Muslim

According to TSA they don’t search for marijuana or any other illegal drugs but if they come across it they will contact law enforcement. My buddy who works at the airport here in Chicago said they would never do that because all the Chicago cop would do is come and write a ticket and it’s a pain in the ass.


Haha yeah, it helps that we don’t “look” Muslim, so yeah definitely things may vary depending on that aspect

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It’s medical in my state. So I’ll try it in Vegas and if I like it, get my card. Makes more sense than paying $200 for a license or smuggling back a vape.

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I am fucking bloated and full of water and cranberry juice :( this is so goddamn stupid


Try smoking some weed to take away the discomfort?



It’s not a problem to get weed, but I am super curious about having an actual selection and I am so over the hassle of having to call up my guy, drive out to bumfuck, have his two dobermans act like they’re gonna eat me before turning into angels, never knowing for sure what the price will be or why X is more than Y… I am super grateful to have connected with a chill guy who grows his own good bud, but damn I am so ready for legalization.