Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

What do you mean?

Day 7: still peein dirty, even through heavy dilution. Sad that Iā€™m gonna lose a job that I quite enjoy over this. Thanks Nixon, Thanks Ronnie.


how much more time do you have?

I smoked every day when I was college aged plus a while later, but grew out of it and now maybe smoke 2-3 times a year, when I see my closest friends that I donā€™t get to see that often.

I work in health care and was recently job-hunting. First interview on zoom, 2nd interview in person later that week, wait a day, and HR gives me a job offer letter!

ā€¦And oh, by the way, take a drug test in the next 48 hours at one of our labs, or youā€™re fired.

I agree itā€™s backwards and draconian, but I see the hospitalā€™s point of view, when you consider all the benzos, opioids (including fentanyl!), and other narcotics I have access to distributing as a nurse.

Good thing Iā€™m (mostly) living clean these days.

ā€¦As I drink my beer this fine Monday morning now that Iā€™m off (night shift).


Runtz muffin and Critical kush done =)

I must say I enjoy having plants, have an automated watering system, but did it all myself instead. It is a nice rutine !
Running the ligths at night to save on heating during daytime

wedding cake - tropicanna banana next =)



The Extreme Q malfunctioned on me finally. It was a good vape for the price and time it lasted. Ordered a FlowerPot. Pretty excited.


Yeah but not as much as I would in a different state. Thatā€™s the only reason I hadnā€™t bought an e-nail yet.


You guys donā€™t have legal weed/dispensaries over there do you? Why are you always getting stuff in professional packaging and not in a plastic bag like a normal drug user?

My stuff comes in heat seal ziplocks like that, but not with individual graphics for different strains and whatnot. I think theyā€™re pretty easy to buy in bulk online

Weed dealers here have been buying the packaging online for the last 2 years and pushing stuff as things it isnā€™t. But like fidget said as long as you have the cannaverify code on it youā€™re good and itā€™s legit

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Cuz sent a text ā€œ********* got a turn, Ā£5 a gram, text meā€ and he hasnā€™t called back or text for hours, hate that as you just know it will be gone by the time I get down there.

Donā€™t even know what kind it is yet.


Brilliant canā€™t waitā€¦ :+1:

So most dealers buy in bulk online from the companies doing the growing or are there a couple people between the grower and your dealer? I donā€™t smoke much but when I do itā€™s bought from a dispensary so I havenā€™t gone to a dealer in a long time. I didnā€™t know the illegal market was so professional now, wonder if itā€™s like that in the US.

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Never any issues with stuff getting confiscated? I didnā€™t realize everyone was just sitting around shopping for weed online like itā€™s coming from Amazon. Thought that was stuff you did on the dark web, guess Iā€™m really out of it lol

I would defintely smoke more if I could get commercial level stuff that easily, might have to explore this online stuff. Itā€™s not legal in my state but it is decriminalized so I donā€™t think they really care unless you have more than an ounce or two on you


I donā€™t I get mine from the street

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Smacc keeps it real

Proper internet drug markets use multisig payment wallets so a vendor canā€™t just jack your btc unless they are colluding with the market.

Dam right, Iā€™ve been lucky though, it can be difficult here when looking for stuff as itā€™s all daft wee student gangsters or real gangsters.

Itā€™s a real pain in the arse tbh for some people around here if your not from the city or schemeā€™s.

Quality is important and tbh its OK for the street but would be shite for you lot :sweat_smile:

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Yesā€¦ Iā€™m very lucky, in that Iā€™m aware of whatā€™s happening and can plan ahead. :sweat_smile: