Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Oh hell yes


Oh jeez oh lord oh jeez. Iā€™m goinā€™ in


Just got my NM Medical card. Itā€™s been pretty sweet going around and getting the free 1st time patient grams and prerolls. Canā€™t believe I waited so long to get it.


PSV Eindhoven vs Olympiakos!!


Got some Dolato and Baklava


I use dark sirup =)
or honey

Alot more sticky the next day, it seems.

When I see this nugs this coated a small part of my mind wonders if other times someone is thumping them.

Iā€™m in Illinois, Chicago to be specific. This wasnā€™t from the dispensary tho, the prices are still pretty high so I rarely buy from the shops for now. It is pretty easy to get a medical card (a few people I know got them easily) which saves on taxes so I might stop being lazy and get one of my own soon

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My buddies and I have a little grow going and our buds come out looking pretty similar (when we donā€™t fuck up any part of the grow lol). More like the top one though, the bottom pic has too neat of a trim that would make my hands fall off if I had to try and replicate. Also at the prices I get the stuff it wouldnā€™t make sense adding anything because itā€™s easy to sell off of looks and smell alone, the smell on the bottom one is heavenly



My friend with the medical card went to the dispensary and picked up an eight of mob boss and grape stomper


Alright guys, needs your thoughts here.

Working currently as a temp for a company, for the last 8 months or so. They are going to be hiring me on, but the HR rep mentioned Ill need to go through the standard application process of background check and drug test.

Obviously, Iā€™ve been using edibles on a semi-regular basis mostly on the weekends, but always after work and never during work.

Soā€¦ What is the play here? Do I mention to HR that I use recreationally? Do I ask what drugs they are testing for? Do I just take the test and hope for the best knowing I used on Sunday?

Lol, just found this site before you posted it. Iā€™ll give these a shot

Just read the offer letter. Looks like they do a ten panel drug test, which includes marijuana.

So, I have until 3/30 to sign. I will probably wait until next Monday to do so and then do as much of a flush as I can.

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If youā€™ve been regularly using cannabis, it may take a while (weeks or months) to clear your system. If you have some time, some version of cleanses and dilution may work. My advice is to be prepared: secure either some sythentic utine or known clean from a friend. Take a home test once or twice before your employment tests. ā€¦ Iā€™ve never heard of an employer test with someone watching you pee, so likely you can just go in and switch it up.

Some of this will be repeating previous advice, but Iā€™ve been a regular cannabis user for years and have passed many drug tests, except one. Thatā€™s when I didnā€™t follow my usual procedures.

Things to do:

  1. Stop ingesting cannabis immediately
  2. Lotā€™s of liquids and cranberry juice
  3. Go to GNC and buy a bottle of the stuff they sell for like $40 that you drink prior to going to the testing facility.
  4. Your first piss of the day should not be the one that you give them for testing.
  5. Piss into the toilet for a bit and then piss into the sample collector.
  6. Cannabis is stored in your fat cells, so avoid fat burning exercise and activities in the days leading up to your test, as you donā€™t want all of that released into your system.
  7. If the test does come back positiveā€¦deny, deny, denyā€¦and you should get a retest.
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Itā€™s dependent on the person but the usual time I heard back in the day when I had to worry about it was 30 days. Iā€™m a heavy user (smoke almost every single day) and have been able to pass a test a few times after 7 days of drinking a lotttt of fluids