Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Also. Not sure if I posted before? This year’s yield was between 2 and 3 oz. Not huge, but it’s just fun to grow. Like I said before, I do nothing but give the plants water. I made an effort to trim a little tighter this year and was happy with the results. It’s not super-potent, but hey.


I made a batch of cookies with butter from the trim. They were, surprisingly, pretty potent. IMO, anyway.

A half cookie got me to this place of no anxiety–a very nice detachment from things, but not too much. A whole cookie was nice, two and I was deep in it, and three it was just bedtime.

So. Would love to figure out how to consistently reach that half-cookie phase. Vaping is easiest way to consume, but I don’t seem to get the same effect.


First post in this thread as I have very little experience with marijuana. I’ve smoked a few times but it never has gotten me high. Each time I was with someone who knew what they were doing and made sure I wasn’t “cheating”, but it just hasn’t had an effect on me. I also just really hate smoking so I’m way more interested in edibles.

Recently tried gummies from a dispensary for the first time. Day 1 I did 10mg but nothing happened. Day two I did 20mg and two hours later I was very high. Day 3 I did 15mg and also got rather high. Going forward what amount should I start with? Any chance that 10mg will have an effect now? I have five 5mg gummies and don’t want to waste any, so I’m thinking 2.5 twice might work?

Also good for spore prints.

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It’s interesting that 10mg didn’t get you high, but 15mg did. That could be caused by the product itself not being consistently dosed, but gummies tend not to have that issue. Was there anything that would have impacted your ability to metabolise or digest the gummy? Full/empty stomach, active/sedentary, drinking/not drinking, time of day, etc.?

As a point of comparison, my friends who use cannabis 1-4x per month can usually get good effects on 10mg. Personally, I need 20-40mg to feel anything because my tolerance is higher. My “research” is limited to dudes who weigh 160-200 lbs.

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Problem is toleranse levels, imo
One week on - one week off - could work, in theory…
Smoked hash every day for soon 30years so, yeah.
Always the Best of the best… after some research this is my next grow:

pure Afghan with Northern Lights and Skunk? You get Indica Crystal Extreme—aka ICE—a plant that is fully covered in resin glands. The buds produced by this magnificent hybrid were so frosty, so sparkling, there seemed no more fitting a name than simply ICE. (edit: iceolator )


I have a vape with temp control, but I haven’t ever considered purposely vaping different strains at different temps. Can you share some of the reasoning behind this?

Conditions were pretty much the same both days. I only weight 130lbs and I think I have a fast metabolism. Should edibles be taken on a full or empty stomach?

There are a bunch of different cannabinoids with different vaporization temperatures and while I don’t know of any real research on the matter, the effects of volcano butter are more stony, indica-like. Therefore, if you want a speedy sativa high, it makes sense that a lower temperature would vaporize the cannabinoids which produce that effect at a higher rate than those more prevalent in indica strains.

It’s inexact and I would like to see more research done on the effects and vaporization temperatures of non-THC/CBD cannabinoids, but the concept is sound.

IMO edibles work best after a light meal with a decent amount of fat.


^^^^ what WAR said. Personally, I tend to aim for empty stomache or light meal at most before I ingest any mind altering substances.

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WAR and fidget have already posted good info; I’ll just add a decent high-level introduction at Leafly:


My one Blueberry x OG Kush is doing fine, aprox third week of flowering.
Took two clones off yesterday, hoping for rootingz!


I guess its the same as hash, you can heat/compress it to activate the tricomes .
Like, put it in the door frame and close the door a few times.

I got some tasty sour patch kids, just in time for E-Day. Anyone paying high prices for edibles is doing it wrong.

I had some random in my neighborhood that i had never met or seen approach me outside my house today and ask if my weed plant got lost in the recent ice storm. When I asked how they knew they obviously answered that the whole neighborhood reeked for months. They then asked how much I was selling it for so of course I just gave them a generous helping. In these dark times that raised my spirits for some weird reason.


So awesome. I envy all of you and wish I lived in CO again.

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This made me lol for real. :hot_pepper:

“Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, . . . and sow it everywhere!”

Those look dense.

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