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getting really high and watching space documentaries is one of the best high-activities I know of. The other one that is my favorite is getting stoned and wandering around the strip in Vegas (pre-covid ldo).

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What are some good space docs?

Well ā€œThe Universeā€ series is on Netflix at the moment. Itā€™s very basic and kind of high school level but for falling asleep while stoney it is absolutely perfect to listen to while I drift off.

Carl saganā€™s Cosmos is good. Anything Neil Degrasse Tyson has made if you need someone to explain it to you like youā€™re 10 (in a very nice way).

For more advanced topics that go into stuff like string theory, physics behind black holes, stuff like that - I wish there was a little more advanced of a doc series out there like that. I donā€™t really know of any.

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Nature docs are elite while stoned also. I can recommend Night On Earth on Netflix if anyone wants some non-Attenborough action.


Yes, a couple trips back my buddy and I ate a couple edibles, left the room sometime in the afternoon and wandered up and down the strip for the next 8 hours smoking and drinking twisted teas. Our main goal was to eat a nice dinner and we failed miserably at that. We were staying at Delano but couldnā€™t find the entrance coming back and ended up walking to the Welcome to Vegas sign. This was my best friend from my childhood who I donā€™t see that often anymore and we just talked about random shit for hours and hours, kind of crazy I think it actually was one of my favorite Vegas moments


Second trip report from my pot harvest. This time I smoked some totally sober. It is extremely potent and speedy. I had two hits around 10pm last night and stayed up until 1am watching Schitts Creek. Normally I never do that. The tv comes on after 9pm and I am asleep within an hour.

I think I previously rated the taste 6/10. I would go down to a 4/10 on resmoke which is disappointing. I did nearly kill the plant during the flowering stage by leaving for a 15 day camping trip and only having someone check on it twice. Iā€™m wondering if that stress played into it somewhat. It is Purple Diesel and I am not a fan of the taste of Diesel strains normally so maybe it is that as well.


Vegas strip is the perfect place to be stoned if you can handle it. Itā€™s probably one of the only places in the world that so entirely engages every one of your senses and emotions. Itā€™s just pure sensory overload. I canā€™t even describe what it feels like, itā€™s just like youā€™re completely consumed and overwhelmed and thereā€™s stuff to look at and see or smell or hear every second. Interesting people walking around. Stuff to do. Weed just makes it even more overwhelming and itā€™s quite an experience. I wouldnā€™t recommend it for people who get anxious though, that could quickly devolve into a bad time.

I ended up walking alone to NY NY and playing the arcade and riding the rollercoaster, then had a nice dinner. It was one of my best vegas experiences by far and also the cheapest.

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I love being baked and watching the Caesarā€™s fountains. Also a great view of the wandering crowd along the strip and a few good performance acts along that sidewalk.

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Brb moving to France

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Thatā€™s how to do Vegas!


Marty GOAT


I may be developing an obsession with experimenting with CBD oil! :grinning:


Anyone have a recommendation for a good electric weed grinder? Almost all the flower I use is what I vape in my Pax flower vape, and it seems to work best when I grind it down pretty fine. Right now I have a Kozo hand grinder I use to start and a Santa Cruz one to get a finer grind. While I enjoy some kind of ritual in the preparation (kind of reminds me of coffee) it simply takes too long and the fucking things often get gummed up and require cleaning. Iā€™d be willing to pay a decent amount for an electric grinder where I could just crumble up a bud, hold down a button and get a nice find grind ready for loading.

I use one of these for edibles before I decarb. Same idea but I have a Krups or some shit.

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Does that horrible link have my image codes?!

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Thanks, Iā€™ve been wondering if coffee grinders would get the job done, if they could get a good fine grind of the sticky reefer. If itā€™s only 20 something bucks and youā€™ve had success with it Iā€™ll probably give it a go.

It looks like this spider is roasting a chicken

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The Pax works much better when you grind first and pack very tight imo. Like almost too tight. I take the lid and pack that shit down and pack it more.


Iā€™ve never used a grinder and maybe Iā€™ve discovered a neat trick or Iā€™ve been wasting my weed all along.

I sit a small bit on my radiator, enough for a joint or 2, put some papers together and grab the slightly heated weed from the luck warm radiator and its soft and crumbly enough to put in your hand and sprinkle.


Got my tincture experiment going today.

Ingredients: 1 liter bottle of Everclear and a biggish pile of ABV in a quart-sized pickle jar. Iā€™m kind of excited because the top layer is from my buddyā€™s Volcano. I forgot how green it is (itā€™s on top in the jar and you can see the difference) and I think it may have a lot of oomph left.

Not much involved in preparation. I just poured in the Everclear and filled up the jar, leaving a little head space for shaking.

Going to give it a shake once a day for a couple weeks, strain it out, and see how it is. Iā€™m not sure yet if Iā€™m going to try to reduce it down or not. I have a gas stove and I donā€™t want to explode anything.