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Ripdog aint lying. Before this past 2.5 month detox I ate 70mg and not much happened. If I smoke around a gram or so on top I am more likely to get a fit of giggles but that’s probably a 25% chance.

Does help you sleep tho.

Jarring up my plant after drying for curing. Amazing how much it is. It’s going to be at least 7 mason jars. I will post a pic soon but not quite done.

ETA: Final tally 7 16oz mason jars, best estimate is 6-7oz so roughly $1500-$2000 worth of pot depending on quality here store prices:


Even though it isn’t done you know I tried some. Prettay Prettay good tbh. Decent taste and so far the high is a low key upper and good body effect also. For my first shot I am over the moon especially because the plant started to literally die the last 3-4 weeks because of a few things I screwed up.


This recipe works great and tastes like normal gummies vs. recipes with Jello boxes and shit. Green dragon tincture recipes are all over the internet. With Everclear. Sous vide decarb is the best method to decarb too so you have the sous vide machine put to other uses already.


Before I was a humble public servant 100mg was my standard dose 🤷


The most I have ever eaten was 50ish. I was high af for 12ish hours. I can’t imagine 100mg. So crazy how different bodies dose with pot.

There really is incredible variance in tolerance. Pretty neat imo.

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My nightly dose is literally 5-10mg and I get high and watch tv as i go to bed lol.

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Tolerance goes up fast when you wake and bake and vape/smoke all day for a couple 13/14 years straight too.


I’ve been smoking off and on for 20 years and 5-7 times a week for 5 years. My tolerance has gone up but still cannot fathom eating even 20mg of edibles regularly.

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I make that gummy recipe with big gummy molds that at best estimate are 100-120 or so mg each. The smaller molds just made me eat a few. I make some of them for friends still.

I do think eating weed is the most economical method of doing it.

ETA: First time eating edibles can fuck you up too. That’s kind of a different tolerance to build up imo.

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Those Happy Apple drinks go down fast. I didn’t feel overwhelmed, but I was super high for several hours and still noticeably high for several more. Probably 8-10 hours total. The drink was $36 I think, so I’m happy with the hourly cost.

Moving the schedule to early Californian autumn


Jeez. Yea I had 30 mg last night and when I went to bed I had a really nasty sensation that I couldn’t catch my breath. Definitely couldn’t do much more.

Everybody’s experience is different. It sucks for people who can’t tolerate it because weed makes some things so much better most of the time. I’d be nicely buzzed on 30mg and able to function, buy I wouldn’t drive.

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I have 50mgs that I cut into 8ths. 6.25 mgs each. Perfect dose for me to get high and relax but not freak out.

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Alrighty folks, general advice needed please, first time grower, outdoors. Not looking to purchase special equipment etc, will let mother nature do her thing to a certain extent.

Early spring here, bartered with a customer of mine for 3 seeds from R-Kiem; 2 x “Muse” and 1 x “Negra 44”.

I’m an organic farmer so have plenty of space, and good soil. We produce various organic fertilizers (compost, worm compost, EMO, chicken poop etc).

Biggest concern is the wind, so am thinking of making a temporary greenhouse out of clear nylon (very commonly used here for veggie production). Leaf cutter ants can be some devastating motherfuckers too.

Plan is:

Germinate now.
Transfer to decent sized bucket (20 litres).
Transplant to soil in greenhouse late spring/early summer.

Anyone have any recommendation for vids/reading material for beginners? Any general comments/tips?

Mediterranean climate btw. Late Dec-Mar will be hot as balls and probably 95% of rainfall will happen during one day this summer.

Mil gracias


If you are worried about the wind you can get tomato cages or similar and tie the plant to it.

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I’ve seen the wind kinda dessicate new growth here, especially my fruit trees. We do stake tomate plants though.

We’re near the coast and it’s basically a non-stop bluster. I figured the wind would stress the plants?

Not planning on selling the bud per se, maybe make some edibles/oils for bartering purposes, but yeah if I embark on a project I usually at least try to do things as best as possible. Thanks for the link.

Best way forward will be to research then post photos here asking advice as I go along I reckon.