Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Sorry I don’t know why I’m lazy with the reply function here considering how much better it works than 2+2. Was for Clovis, even tho we’ve moved past that days ago ^_^

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I can’t figure out CBD dosing.

The oil I have is 1mg per 2 drops. It says start out with 1-2 drops.

Then I watch YouTube videos and people are saying a dosage should be 100 or even 200 mg!

Do you have access to legal weed? If so I would recommend getting 2:1 cbd/thc edibles instead of cbd only. If nothing else you will actually feel something on them and so it will be easier to figure out the right dose without getting super high.

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Yep weed is legal in all of Canada. Edible gummies are hard to find so far so I’m stuck with oil.

Does 100+ mg seem like a high dose?

It depends heavily on the person, that’s why recommendations vary so widely. I’d take 5mg and see if you notice anything. Taking too much isn’t going to do anything bad though, it might just mean you’re wasting product and/or jacking tolerance up quickly.

Edit: I mean you’re looking for a subjective effect, so just keep taking it until that subjective effect is achieved. I don’t think there are any known toxic effects or anything.

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I don’t use a lot of cbd. I sometimes get the 2:1 gummies and i eat a 10mg. I honestly have no idea how CBD dosing works. There are also strains of pot that have low thc/high cbd that might be an option if you don’t mind smoking or vaping.

The oil I use has virtually no thc.

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What effects are you using CBD for?

Just didn’t expect to see literally 200x variability in dosage suggestion.

100mg of THC gets me super high, 100mg of CBD would probably make me feel like a considerable load has been lifted from my shoulders. No intoxication, just a subtle release of some tension at lower doses. Your experience might be much different, so 10mg seems like a good place to start.


Jesus christ are we talking edibles? i’m a heavy weight and couldnt imagine doing 100mg, 30mg is about as far as i can go for a “relaxing” dose

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LIvestream your 100 mg thc dosage until you pass out.


I make ABV herb butter and the potency varies. I usually take 1/4 lb of vaped herb to a few sticks of butter. I’ve made these before and knocked my friends on their asses. Gave one guy one once before a 12 hour road trip. We were eating in Boulder that night and he still looked wrecked. He would have his eyes closed while we were driving and convinced himself we were about to drive off the road around a curve and so would open his eyes and we’d be cruising straight down the interstate lol. He was tripping out.


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Well, yeah you probably were lol. 1/4 lb of vaped herb with the moisture gone is probably like 1/2 lb of ground herb or something. I don’t know exactly but it’s originally a lot more than 1/4 lb and a lot of the thc is vaped out. I find the ABV butter to be a heaver, stonier buzz also.

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It’s a lot cheaper to make edibles vs. purchasing. An 1/8th of 25% THC herb equals roughly 875 mgs of THC once extracted.

Yea dont get me started how expensive thc edibles are. Here it is about $25 for 100mg after taxes and stuff.

Tincture is really easy. Then, I just add it to a sous vide gummy recipe I have.

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