Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*


Can one do you Pros help me? How the heck do I does CBD?

This is what I bought. How many drops is a “dose” for a 200 lb dude who is using it for anxiety?


Haven’t tried THC since my teens, except the one time I passed out in a dungeon at a swingers party a couple years ago the month pot became legal and I thought it would be a good idea to smoke a huge joint for the first time in 20 years. Haven’t tried it since. :grin:

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I second JT’s strategy, although as far as I know risk of a Maureen Dowd like experience is impossible with CBD, so don’t be nervous about diving in.

So I have a fair amount of AVB stored up. In the past I’ve used it to make coconut cannabis oil capsules, which are great, but I have a huge bag in the freezer already.

Then I realized I have a full bottle of Everclear (the 95% stuff) in the cabinet, so now I want to make some tincture. I’m about to do some googling, but anyone here got any tips/cautions or recipes they’ve had good luck with?

I have the magical butter machine and just let it do its thing outside under the eaves. I made avocado oil using an ounce of 17% THC Indica and it wasn’t very strong. I may have fucked up the decarbing process though. Aren’t you in WA? How the fuck did you wind up with a bottle of Everclear? I’m jealous.

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Yeah, I’m in WA. I think this Everclear might be like 25 years old. My buddy brought this back for me from a road trip; I think it’s from California but I’m not sure. Note the price, lol. This is a liter too.

It’s been on the shelf in that classy bag in the back of my liquor cabinets ever since. Today I found it behind this:


I only used the magical butter machine once and it has been in the box ever since. Check it out on YouTube and let me know if you want to use it. Less chance of a fire or explosion than stovetop.

I was going to offer to mail it (Everclear) but apparently it’s not legal? How do the beer clubs do it?

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Went to an outdoor wedding yesterday and they had a weed bar. We got a little joint of Orange Diesel to take home and maybe share. I haven’t smoked in ~10 years. I really liked it in college, then it was bad once and every time after; really bad anxiety and paranoia. I was also drinking probably every time I smoked back then.

I’m 4 years sober of booze. I don’t use anything besides caffeine. I take a low dose of Lexapro and a beta blocker. I’ve been curious to get my card and try some for sleep and anxiety. Should I smoke this J?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I voted yes, but with a caveat. You don’t need to smoke the whole thing. Take a hit or two and save the rest for later. Alcohol and weed together fuck me up. Not anxious or anything, just out of it.


Yeah, if you haven’t smoked in ten years, just take one nice hit and if you want more you can always smoke more later.

The experience of alcohol+weed is significantly different than weed alone. A large % of the people I have talked to that “don’t like weed” have only smoked it while more than a little drunk.


If I drink a lot before smoking I often get really sick (nauseous, spins). I’ve had extremely bad cases of vertigo in the past though so i think my balance is pretty fucked up in general. If I’m smoking and start drinking i always enjoy that, maybe being high prevents me from over drinking


As others have said less is better than more. You can always get more high but getting less high isn’t possible. Your bad experiences sound like when I eat too big of a dose of edibles. 1-2 hits every 30 mins or so is pretty much what I do and I am an every day user. That gets me plenty high without any risk of getting too high. Try that.


The stock answer to any question in 2020.

Like JT said take 1 hit and do it at a time when you can just sleep it off if things go south.

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Drying process is full go. We are having our patio redone and the guy who is doing it came over for some prep. He spent like an hour asking us questions about growing. I told him I sucked at it but he was like HOLY FUCK YOU CAN GET THAT MUCH POT OFF A $25 PLANT? Fun as fuck day compared to normal.


I asked about a clogged cart awhile ago. Found out today that as long as there isn’t propylene glycol they are fine to be dabbed. These are CO2. Oh snap.

I’m fairly certain CPD is about as effective as reiki healing so don’t worry about the dosage too much.

Who are you replying to? Me? My cart was thc.