Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

In San Diego top shelf 1/8ths of flower at the dispensary are ~$65-80 once you factor in all the taxes and fees. So I only go there for vape cartridges and gummies.

I’m loyal to my hookup because he’s always been there for me, and an Oz of top shelf from him is $160-180.

Fuck that is an incredible deal.

So marijuana doesn’t require hydroponic, extra wattage flux capacitors? You can just plant that shizz outdoors?

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Holy shit! The highest price top shelf stuff in WA is going for $55 or less including taxes. I’m currently trying out interesting strains from this farm:

I have paid as much as $45 for 1/8 of their stuff, but it goes on sale for up to 25% off pretty often. Lots of pretty pictures on the website and I like everything I’ve tried so far.

Canada ftw. Mids delivered legally for ~110 usd/oz. Top shelf delivered legally for ~250 usd/oz.

Top top top shelf illegal ~180usd/oz. AAAAA kushes etc.


Rolling the joint is part of the ritual. Don’t cheat yourself and use some prerolled abomination. This is a therapy.


It’s crazy how much prices vary. I used to drive to DC to get flower and prices ranged from ~220–350 for probably somewhere between mids and top shelf. I’ve got someone who delivers to my door now for about $320 for the same quality.

Although tbf I don’t really have a good frame of reference for what “top shelf” should be. The stuff I got delivered yesterday has got me pretty spaced out for several hours from one vaped bowl, though. Currently grilling up a beef coulotte - is it turns out nice I’ll throw some pics in the food thread. I’m a little unsure of my cooking method.

I haven’t been buying ounces, mostly eighths. I picked up a couple of grams of flower and two 100mg drinks. I’m thinking 4 servings. The 90/10 Indica dominant lives up to its name. Definitely the purpliest stuff I have ever seen:

Sticky and three vape hits has me feeling happy. $11/gram and a bit less than $300/oz I would guess.

Here it is ground up, but it looks way greener in the pic than to the naked eye. Super dark purple:

Edit: Just downed ~50mg of Royal Grape flavored drink. Tasted like shit but it’s hitting me really fast, maybe because I chugged it. It was like watered down cough syrup.


Really enjoyed the Kinski set you linked.

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I think if you have legal access then 1/8ths are definitely the way to go. It allows you to try a lot of stuff and if you end up with a real dud it is $45 instead of $300+. I used to always buy ounces when it was illegal because I hated how much of a pain the whole buying process was.

In my younger days I had a few times I went somewhere to buy where I knew the guy but wasn’t friends with them and it somehow turned into getting super high when they asked if I wanted to smoke and then having that awkward situation where I knew I was overstaying my welcome but I was too high to drive. Uber would have been a godsend for that situation.

I tried a $6 gram once and it was shit. Never again. I’m super happy with Falcanna and their stuff goes on sale for 25% off every other week, so I usually pay $33. Another brand I like is Secret Gardens of Washington, but their stuff never goes on sale and is $55/eighth. Pretty steep and Falcanna’s stuff is just as good.

I got completely fucked up on coke, weed, and beer in ~1985 and my buddy was driving us across the Evergreen Point floating bridge (aka 520) and just as fucked as I was. 520 was a 4 lane floating bridge with no shoulders and a concrete barrier between the east and westbound lanes. He told me he thought he was weaving and wanted to stop and trade places in the middle of Lake Washington. I assured him he was driving straight as an arrow as I didn’t want to get rear ended by someone going 75 and wind up at the bottom of the lake. Uber would have been awesome.

That’s awesome, I’m glad to hear it!

He should hook that thing up to one of those tornado booths and see how much people would be willing to pay to experience a weednado.


Using marijuana to clean stains


Update on my plant. The leaves on my plant have started to rapidly die off while the buds are still growing by the day and look healthy. I am probably a week or maybe less from harvest. I googled it and some people I guess intentionally kill their plants prior to harvesting so it may not be an issue but man it does not look good at all visually at the moment. Thoughts?

The light was terrible out there but this is a sad sight:

Yes. 1 miracle gro treatment and then borrowed some bud bloom fertilizer a couple weeks ago. I don’t think i got the dirt deep enough in the planter is likely one problem.

I also left for 15 days of camping around a month ago and way overfilled the planter with water bc I was worried about the dry weather and that long. That is when it started exhibiting the symptoms, once I got back. I did have someone come water/unplug the drain a couple times while gone but it got way off it’s normal water schedule.

I’m kind of resigned to the fact I probably botched it somewhat. I have been researching the drying/curing part. I have a shed in my backyard that can stay dark 24/7 and should stay pretty close to the right temps for drying. It might not be perfect but it is pretty much that or the garage as my wife does not want the whole house smelling like pot.

I can’t control it but I live in relatively humid territory. The next 10 days humidity forecast is 40-60% every single day. That is pretty much the sweet spot from what I have seen.