Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

I did not take offense! I just enjoy throwing jabs with you.

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Pretty fucking bougie. If a machine or illegal immigrant doesnt pre-assemble them that’s kinda fucked bro.

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Under a fucking minute? How?

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Yeah, trickle down economics would have worked but for assholes like me.

Side rant: Seriously iPhone? I have to type out the entirety of the word assholes, but you think bitch or pussy is going to be my next word half of the time and have no problem suggesting those to me? Fuck off.



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I don’t know your musical tastes, and this isn’t an album, but it is a 17 minute extended mix that I would describe as having a chill electronic/spaghetti western/guitar vibe. I put it on for some friends(they all ended up liking it) while we were camping a couple weekends ago, getting elevated, staring up at the stars. We saw the Hubble pass by overhead as we listened.


Here’s a couple of recommendations:

Time is flying by but Khruangbin still putting some of the best, and most needed, vibes right now.

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I like about everything. I have a Funky Jams go to playlist that has rap, rock, folk, edm, country, jazz etc. If it feels good high it goes on there.

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I loved it and it made the Funky Jams list.

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On the music tip, I’ve been thinking for a while about posting these local groups to see if anyone in other parts of the country/world knows about and/or likes them.

First up is Kinski. Not sure what genre to say they are, maybe like space rock or post rock or something. Guitar-driven songs that build on a basic groove then explode into a frenzy of wailing solos. Great for cranking up, maybe not great for chilling on the porch.

This is a four-song live session at KEXP; all four songs are great in their own ways.

If you want a quicker introduction, the fourth song in that set is OMFG for me when I’m high:

Fun side story: In the 90’s I was a mechanic at an independent SAAB repair shop. One of Kinski’s guitar players, Matthew Reid Schwartz (shown in the still for the first video), used to drive an old SAAB 99, and since I was also driving a '78 99 at that time, I was kind of designated to be the one who worked on his car. One time his car got towed in with all four fuel injector lines broken–at a party someone had jumped on his hood and pushed it down onto the lines and broken them. Easy fix and back on his way! Cool and chill guy.

The other band I used to listen to a lot is a psychedelic group, Sky Cries Mary. They’ve gone through many lineup and stylistic changes over the years but the 90’s stuff was perfect for me during the time when I was dropping acid on the reg. The albums A Return to the Inner Experience and This Timeless Turning were staples for me in those days. Get high and listen to the entirety of Timeless Turning, it’s like it’s a trip encapsulated into 13 songs (Bandcamp link).

Found a vid of the first song on YouTube:

Side story: I saw them play live a couple times, once straight and once on acid. The time I was on acid I was wandering around the club before the show started and had a woman come up to me and mistake me for the lead singer, Roderick. I don’t look a lot like him but at that time had long hair and so did he, I guess that was enough to confuse her.

It tripped me out many years later to be playing poker at a local place and look up at a TV and see Roderick on some kind of celebrity treehouse building show? I guess he was doing that for a while. Living the dream.


Will watch and give you an honest review but it might be a couple days

No problem, you need to be in the right frame of mind. If you don’t like it that’s okay too.


I guess this is from a Fast Times at Ridgemont High reading. Looks like LaBeouf really embraced the Spicoli role


THIS is a therapy

How much do you guys pay for an ounce (or 1/8 or whatever) in non-legal states/countries?

I used to pay 325 for the equivalent to top shelf for an oz.

My plant can be smelled from the road now. I’m wondering how my neighbors like the neighborhood smelling this good.


I pay $200/oz, but I have to drive 70 minutes each way to buy it off someone I know in Maine.

My other option is drive 40 minutes to a dispensary in MA, but I only do this for edibles or vape cartridges, since with tax an oz of flower runs $375+.


My law partner has a much more impressive crop going. I went over there today. 12 plants. A couple of them are insane monster.