Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

If it were just me, instead of me and my wife, I’d probably get like 20-24 weeks out of an ounce using my Solo II and being essentially a daily (nightly) user. The thing is also ridiculously quick and easy to use/pack/etc. If you can afford a decent dry herb vape and you haven’t gotten one, you’re really missing out.

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Agree on this. I have had the Storz-Bickel Mighty for the past 5 years. Works like a champion. So popular it’s out of stock even though it’s their highest end portable vape.

In hindsight, I probably should have purchased their less expensive and bulky Crafty.

Other than airfare, my vape is the most expensive purchase I’ve made since I bought a used Honda Civic a decade ago.


sup, mang? my bakedness obliged I report to this thread.

how’s being stoned for you these days, with the big move on the horizon, and the 2020 hellscape backdrop lol I’m harshing my own buzz.

happy days lay ahead, no doubt about it. my recollections are all that’s left of you, bad days

It has begun

Seeds dropped in water


virgin white turf

The turf is mixed with only the highest quality Perlite, Swedish clay,
lime, minerals and organic nutrients.

Should provide plenty for the plants first few weeks
except root stimulator with biological extracts of kelp, humic acids and high quality amino acids.

AND EDDHMA chelated Fe OBV

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Read this thread last night and watch like 3 hours of vaping youtubes vids… :joy:

I’m gonna order 1 when I decide, the Tiny Might looks good, thanks for that.

@fidgetUK :ok_hand:

Edit:- @JohnnyTruant

PM… :wink:


Just ordered a crafty. Really looking forward to trying it in October :joy::sob:

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Somebody talk me down and tell me I’m just high. My wife and I are both having trouble tasting food tonight.


if you’re high, the move is blame the high and reevaluate tomorrow


My buddy dropped off a little gift in the mailbox for me. Always a fan of green crack, been smoking it for a while





Kashmir creme was a lovely smoke back in the day, spend a whole night in my mates loft experiencing it as a teen, the walk home was brilliant. :joy: Memories.

Our weed quality has definitely improved over the last year, it’s very sticky nowadays and a far better smoke all in all, far smoother on the throat.

Smoked a quarter spliff before the game yesterday and was whacked the whole game lol. 1st time I’ve smoked during the day for ages.

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27% THC, total cannabinoids 31%. Can confirm it gets me high AF and smells amazing. ~$30 after 25% discount. :+1: :+1:


Me: give us universal healthcare!

US: how about semi-legal weed

Me: …I’m listening


In progress … I grow outdoor, basically from bag seeds, with nothing but water. It’s half “growing some cannabis” and half “feels good just to keep something alive.” … I’ve got a few plants but they don’t produce much–none of the monsters you guys generate. So, just sharing to share.

Fun hobby. I did (knock on wood, fingers crossed) manage to eliminate all of the males early enough this year, so while the harvest is small at least it wont be half seeds by weight.


Pretty sure seat belt laws are universal in the states

Anyone here a user in Canada? I am noob to all this but want to get CBD gummies. Local stores don’t have them. Is there a legal online store in Canada? Googling I see lots of places but no idea if they are legal.

I’d be surprised if CBD isnt legal there and pretty easy to get. Thc gummies might be tougher