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My friend here said just do it in a ziploc bag with wet paper towels. Think i will try that next go round.

ya i ate a brownie at like 4 to see if it would be any good and i’m blown tf out rn


i took the trimmed “sugar leaves” that had loads of trichomes on them and filled a quart mason jar halfway. i added 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vegetable oil to that jar. i then put the jar into a small pot with water in it on very low heat. came back and stirred it about every half hour for 5 hours, strained it into a measuring cup and poured off the oil into a bottle. and that worked somehow, i’m actually surprised it did.


What’s the point of adding the water? I haven’t made canna oil before, is that a standard way of doing it?

Lol oops. Gotta remember to re plug in the water pump haha


ya from their sprout from the rockwool cubes

march 16 i moved them from the freezer to the rockwool

and march 20 i transplanted to the hydro system


hey @JohnnyTruant,

they’re alive but haggard. big pieces of leaves look like they’ll be dust if i touch them, but they’re alive. i’ll post pics when i reach the next tournament break

IMP-5 is like a 3.5/4 bagger. i definitely harvested too soon cause the buds are all very loose. but it gets me pretty high and it’s an uppy high which i prefer, so i’ll say 4 bags.

now if we’re talking work i’ll tell you straight: i use the liquid color-changing pH stuff. where i take a sample of water in a little vial, add 3 drops of this shit and it turns a color. usually blue then greeny yellow after i fix it. i use a ph meter in the research lab and a proper one is several hundred dollars or more and the calibration steps take like 10 minutes, you gotta calibrate 3 standard solutions every time, i hate it, i hate the whole process. i think the color changy thing is close enough; plants are strong

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i’m high on weed and misunderstanding your question.

i’m pretty sure the buffer powder will fix your tap water to the correct ph without special precautions, but distilled water couldn’t hurt


Recovering but damaged. Maybe this will serve as defoliation?

(Juul included for scale @marty)


Hope y’all are enjoying this special day. I’ve put together a little house blend of Oregon-sourced “Blueberry Pie” at around 14% THC, paired with the poetically-named “Star Gazer Myrtle” (6% THC/10% CBD) grown in Washington. Administered through the Pax flower vape.

Does what it says on the tin:

You float on a steady open river, surrounded by a dome of deep ink and the vast, almost unfathomable beauty of celestial bodies as far and deep as you can see. Let your focus loosen, and trust the peace that comes from the stars.


Today we celebrate 4/20/2020. Praise be.


@hobbes9324 whats up with that trip report brother.

It was actually quicker to do a refi on my house that to get a delivery of the edibles - happily it’s really helped with my sleep. Strongly recommend. I finish my protocol on Friday, but we won’t have any actual data until June 20 or so.

Thanks for asking.



Glad to hear it helped! Rooting for you!


2 weeks into flowering they really shot up tall. Will have to start LST soon


Good to hear brother, glad it’s helping. Whole forum is rooting for you, you’re a good egg. I know you’re busy but i’m definitely interested whenever you got updates.

Kind of feel like I have an old wise doctor friend :rofl:

Anyways fuck that shit up, get healthy, enjoy them edibles and be good brother.


This is the best show ever made. I take it back Netflix, thank you for everything.

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Thanks. I’ll just drop a note for anyone interested - feel free to scroll by as needed.

Finished my 9 weeks of chemo/radiation and the MRI yesterday looked “Very good” per the docs. I’m tired but otherwise doing well. Next step is optune which is basically a stocking cap thing you wear 16 - 18 hours a day - have to have my head shaved going forward, which is going to look funny because I have a shaggy beard - but orders from the boss says we’re going forward. Next MRI in 4 mos. And let’s hope covid goes away/dies down - although it seems doubtful.

Thanks for the good thoughts.