Business & Management chat

Also, if you leave software and become a hitman for the Mafia, you don’t need to change anything.

Boss: “Did you go see the guy I talked to you about?”
You: “Oh yeah, that’s been addressed.”


I’m not 100% sure of the tax treatment, but in general

  1. when you exercise you’ll get taxed on the difference between the strike price and FMV. I am pretty sure that’s income. They aren’t going to figure out the exact amount you owe but you’ll need to fork over the cash needed to exercise plus … something. Just figure 33% or whatever and you’ll be in the neighborhood. There are no capital gains until you sell the shares.

  2. in most cases you’ll only have 30-90 days to exercise after termination. It should be in the grant letter. Sometimes this can get extended as part of a negotiation.

  3. you may have some contractual prohibition against selling your shares on a secondary market as part of the option grant. This is becoming more common, I’m not really sure if this is enforceable at all and there are almost certainly ways around it but I would also keep in mind that if you do sell on a 2ndary market you’re almost certainly going to take a haircut.

  1. thanks, that was my rough understanding as well. i realized it was income, but if i exercise all of my shares at once i would hit AMT because of other income and the difference FMV-strike. so i played with AMT calculator online, and there i think is was a relatively low amount that i can exercise and be under the AMT threshold.

3- that’s correct, the board has right of first refusal, but secondary markets still have bids coming in, so employees can still liquidate equity if capital plus 10% broker rake doesn’t seem too much.

ok, yeah first right of refusal for the board is extremely standard, some agreements go even further and say you can’t sell to anyone except the board until a proper liquidity event occurs (usually acquisition or IPO). These aren’t standard but they’re more common, especially in software startups.

retention is getting extremely lucrative. my company just announced on our company all-hands 2022 kickoff that everyone is getting an extra week of PTO, Juneteeth will be a company holiday (with no reduction of any other holiday), and 10% bonuses (they gave 10% raises across the board about three months ago).


So how do I add this new responsibility to my resume? Do I add it as like a new line or just add it to the current line of supervisor. I didn’t really get a title change, just more departments lol.

I currently list my last 3 positions so far. Inventory data clerk → Inventory lead → 3PL supervisor.

Do I just make it inventory lead → 3PL supervisor → 3PL, inventory, and slotting project supervisor

Or inventory clerk → Inventory lead, > 3PL, inventory, and slotting project supervisor

my company announced last year that every month will have a three day weekend, which meant they had to add a day off to only two months or something. it’s small, but it’s not nothing.

these days i’m browsing through job postings and finding that 4 day workweeks are apparently a thing employers are selling to candidates. i’m in software/services so i don’t buy that they truly have wednesdays off, but i guess it’s also not nothing.

Monday or Friday are the only choices - anything otherwise is not really very helpful at all. Wednesdays are just the worst.

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we have “no meeting wednesday” but since I’m customer facing that doesn’t mean shit

Semi-related… The engineering org at my company started a policy of no meetings on Wednesdays sometime in 2021. I’m not gonna lie, I have chosen to do as little as possible on those days. Things have popped up that are important, but mostly I can ignore until someone pings me. So in a way, I’ve implemented this on my own accord :laughing:

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I have every other Friday off, so I work eight 9s and an 8. Having every other Friday off has been life changing. Wife works the same schedule so it’s really conducive to weekend traveling.

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it obviously affects people with kids differently. if you have any sort of on-call, flexible hours and extra days off is really a lie. even if it works initially, eventually people quit, company can’t backfill SREs, everyone else has to be within reach of a keyboard at odd hours on days off.

We had some pretty sweet retention policies over the past few years. But we’ve had a couple of late stage programs fail, and the retention stuff seems to be off the table this year. I suspect they hope some of us leave so they don’t have to do an official layoff. I’ll have a better idea in May when salary increases and bonuses are awarded.

wow recruiters are getting desperate apparently, unsolicated email today for $100/hour contract job.

What was the going rate in the before times?

$60-$80 maybe, but more notably was 19/20 unsolicited emails had no salary range/offer. Now 9/10…

Update, I suppose. Had my presentation today and it was probably 90th percentile relative to my expectations, so went pretty well. I got a DEI question (“What are you doing to improve DEI in the practice?” or something similar) which I didn’t quite nail (should also note that I’m a white dude) but otherwise think I presented well and responded to questions well.

I didn’t quite get a strong advocate, at least not yet, but did get one of my project partners to join and serve a softball question so that was much appreciated.

Now I just cross fingers and wait for like two months…


I think you’re supposed to scream that white men are the last group in America that people permit, no, ENCOURAGE prejudice against and that if they don’t give you the job you’ll sue their asses.

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Oh good, OK so my answer was better than I thought. Nailed it!

Gal who is on my team (25ish people) but who I don’t work with much at all asks me for a 1:1. I get on and am like “whats up” she says “well I had my annual review and in someone’s anonymous feedback it said specifically my attitude towards you is bad and unprofessional and I’m here to apologize”. My response of course was “I have no idea what you’re talking about”. Maybe I’m oblivious IDK.

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