Business & Management chat

WTF kind of job that pays 300k has recruiters sending email spam?

Almost all of them lol.

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Eliminating the complete bullshit taboo around “yeah what is the pay” is such a good thing. A+ job

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I wish that site had more non tech salaries. Love the data and UI.

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Meh, MS is at the top of the range, not market average. If that wasn’t a FAANG job I wouldn’t say it’s 100K low (but I’m not a developer so wth do I know?)

“principal” jobs are very tough to get and more or less signify the highest non management role an engineer can get and yeah any TC under 250 at a minimum is way below market. I am not a principal =/

That seems reasonable for MS but it’s also a Seattle salary where the pay scales are la bit lower than the bay area.
Also MS is not actually top of the range in tech, F and G and several smaller cos can pay 20-30% higher for similar roles/experience.
(And not counting hedge funds with proudly toxic hunger games style work cultures. Also I hear palantir pays crazy high … But you need security clearance and the desire to actively do evil)


Product owner: “performance on our app that uses year-to-date timeperiods is getting worse and worse, what can we do to fix it?”

Me: “well we could wait 6 weeks”

Senior back end application engineer: “grue what happens in 6 weeks?”


I was just offered the chance to be an editor at a very prestigious journal in my field. This is not a humblebrag - I was flattered to get this offer! I had very mixed feelings about this:

  • it’s definitely going to be a lot of work
  • the journal’s acceptance rate is <10%, so I’m likely to piss a lot of people off with my decision to reject their paper
  • there is absolutely no compensation for this position, either from the journal or from my university (in terms of either money or reduced teaching)

On the other hand, it is a very big stroke for my ego, which I desperately need. And I’m told that there will be lots of intangible and unquantifiable benefits, including:

  • increased respect in the field
  • more invitations to prestigious conferences
  • greater ability to move schools if I should want to

I just accepted the offer, and I will keep this thread updated with the realization of those benefits.

My Prediction:



Congrats! Hopefully you get into those VIP parties and stop hanging out with us nerds.

You will likely also be asked to join multiple board of directors and get to take home multiple tens of thousands for like 5 days of work every year. Hopefully anyway.

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Well, 3.5 weeks after the final interview, I was finally formally rejected from the Europe job. Too bad, would’ve been a great life experience that I’ve always wanted. But on the upside, it saves me a lot more stress given that I just started the other job this week!

Based on what HR said, I sense they went with someone local and external to the company. (I am external too, but worked for the company previously).


Alright so one of my guys requested bereavement because his aunt died and I snap approved obv.

HR gave me a hard time because I guess aunt’s don’t qualify. Told me to carefully read the employee handbook

My main issue is in the email she put aunt in quotations. Like his " aunt " doesnt qualify.

Is she implying he’s lying and is that as outrageously rude as it feels to me?

It does seem rude

The answer is always “LOL HR.”


The previous hr lady was dope as hell but they kicked her out to the floor. Probably because she was too nice and everyone liked her.

The current one is insufferable.

Tell HR you want to be more inclusive of diverse family structures, including those where employees have a very close relationship with their aunts, as is common among non white immigrant families. Surely they don’t want to enforce a policy that disproportionately hurts minority colleagues and their families?

That should shut them up.


I think my response here would be somewhere between “drop dead” and “go fuck yourself”