Business & Management chat

Tell him 7:30 AM is too early.


ā€œI donā€™t usually sober up until 8:45.ā€


Sorry, thatā€™s usually my connection timeā€¦ WITH YOUR WIFE!!!

If youā€™re in as high demand as Grue seems to be from this thread and youā€™re not someone who usually starts work before 9:00 or something then I think you absolutely should do that.

If this is like an attempt to show appreciation to a star employee or something like that then donā€™t let it be an inconvenience, and what else could this be about if there is no info about the meeting coming through your line manager?

eh Iā€™m hoping for promotion tbh but its pretty doubtful but I did deliver a massive cross enterprise project this year so who knows. Thereā€™s very few ā€œopenā€ principal software engineer roles just about anywhere but yeah if its just a get to know you skip level thing Iā€™m gonna be like ā€œyeah Iā€™m going to be a principal in the next fews years and I hope its hereā€ type thing.

Iā€™d be terrified for like 2 minutes until I realized thatā€™s not how megacorps deliver bad news after which Iā€™d be excited. Probably good news.


My guess is the the VP just likes chatting with plebes to see the unfiltered version of how things are going.

Absolutely. It would be shocking to me if it is anything other than some good news. Worst case is probably some form of ā€œYou deserve a promotion but I canā€™t give it now so Iā€™m giving you something else that is not as goodā€

Job #2 has made an offer (they moved pretty quick!). Written and in my hands. Good offer, although there are items, including stock options and benefits, that I need to ask questions about to understand better.

Final interview with Job #1 is not until next Friday, although I may touch base with the hiring manager in the interim.

Now my issue is more the timing than details of either offer. I will try and stall #2 a bit with questions and some negotiation, and press #1 to move quicker. #1, if the compensation is right, is probably my first choice.

This stuff is easily harder and more stressful than any actual job!


Yup! Itā€™s way easier to kick back and do your normal job lol. Also I severely underestimated how long the process from initial interview to start date is.

Itā€™s much higher stakes and actually matters. This is a good spot to be stressed and OK with being stressed.


Update on my job wanting me to supervise two departments. I guess Iā€™m not going to supervise it. The shipping manager is going to be in charge of it, but weā€™re also going to do it together and when heā€™s not around Iā€™m in charge.

I expect him to barely be around.

No raise lol.

They were telling me Iā€™m a rising star and all that bullshit.



Sorry to hear man.

Spoiler alert for everyone: if your company tells you that you are ā€œa rising starā€ or ā€œthe futureā€ they are full of shit. They just need you at the moment. You are just another cog in the wheel.


Yeah, definitely this.

There is apparently some conventional wisdom in management circles that praise and recognition go a long way and can be just as effective at achieving a goal as a pay bump. Iā€™m sure there is a kernel of truth to that, but most of them take it way, way too far. You canā€™t replace that much money with praise.

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I might work better if capitalism hadnā€™t dissolved all social bonds and turned every interaction into a transaction.

Absolutely time to start phoning it in hard as you look for another job. The next time they need something special from you the answer is a hard no.

Theyā€™ve been stringing you along and they know theyā€™ve been stringing you along. The job market is really hot in logistics, you shouldnā€™t struggle to get the equivalent of your bosses job in this environment.

I cannot stress enough how hard up for talent the entire industry is right now. Youā€™re probably looking for a logistics manager title that reports to a director if I had to guess. Should be making at least 75k in mid tier cities and 100k+ in expensive ones.

These people do not get to decide when youā€™ve earned the right to a grown up job title and the pay that comes with it. There has never been a better time to make this move up, and they have absolutely no right to hold you back.

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I wouldnā€™t really mind, I was just expecting a raise.

The guy who used to run it dipped out. I should do the same.

I think a big part of it is right now wages have skyrocketed in my industry so itā€™s a great time to explore options


Dude I am going to make 3 times what I made last year. Weā€™re in different parts of the same gigantic space. There is absolutely no chance your part is that different.

Everything that everyone else said is 100% true.

Also tho. If you want to progress your career, you should generally be willing to say yes to increased responsibility without pay.

You can then turn that into more pay later. Either at the current place or a future place.

Career progression is influenced by capability. Anything that you can do to increase that capability through experience is a good thing. (Caveat. All other other things being equal)

Yeah I hear you. Last place was simply too far. I do feel super confident though after how badly they wanted me. I think it was it was the CEO who left me a message saying I was far and away the best candidate.

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