Business & Management chat

Any one have someone on your team that is just totally incapable of shutting the fuck up? Anything I can do besides passive aggressively complain about him to bosses during 1 on 1s?

We have a “stand up” every day day thats 1/2 hour team is like 12 people. Today he talked for 13 minutes.

Interupt him. Interject with “that’s a good point, I’d like to hear from Person X on that” - basically hand the metaphorical mic to someone else.

From the interviewer perspective, I would always expect video on for candidate, and also expect every interviewer to put video on. It honestly seems a little rude to me that some panel members didn’t put their video on.

For regular every day meetings, I normally keep my video off. But that seems too casual to me for an interview.

But yeah, as others mentioned you handled it well.

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Our meetings are all supposed to end at 25 or 55 past the hour to prevent delays in start-up of other meetings and give time to grab a coffee or a bio break. Lol of course they all mostly still run over anyway.

Power move is to just leave when they’re scheduled to be over.


Is it logical to think that they opted to go for the bonuses for the 2 years to meet my compromised number instead of the actual salary number so they are not locked into the ceiling of the position this early? I assume this gives them room to provide raises as we go and for me to prove myself. My plan will be to ask for a raise after 2 years to match the salary + bonus.

Certainly I think there’s an aspect of them not being locked into a higher number perpetually + giving merit/COLA raises off of that.

I had a similar situation a few years ago when I told a company I couldn’t accept due to the comp, and they came back with 3 sizable annual guaranteed bonuses. I think this structure is somehow easier to get approved in places. Maybe because it doesn’t break “salary” bands. I don’t know. Doesn’t seem to make sense to me. Money is money.

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Yeah, they give you the bonus so that any percentage increase you get at any point is calculated from the lower base rather than base+bonus. So, yeah, ask for more if you think you’re still worth it, and be prepared to jump ship again. If companies in your field like to give out signing bonuses instead of actual salary, the obvious incentive is to keep going for more signing bonuses at new places.

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Two separate large guaranteed bonuses is pretty good because the optimal time to jump ship is usually 2-3 years and you can use your all in comp as a starting point to negotiate with your next company.


Bonus discussion kinda funny. We get one every year at giant retailer, last year 20% because stonks, most years 15%. They went through a notable failbox attempt to expand to another area a few years ago and also a giant data breach. I asked a director how they dealt with people not getting a bonus that year and he’s like yeah there was a bonus alright just not for directors and up, because if we don’t give out the bonus everyone quits. :thinking: Guess they know what they’re doing though.

Yeah, when I worked for large Fortune 500 companies, even in the worst years when industry was decimated, we got paid out like 80% of target bonus. Sometimes 100%. I always assumed it was because that’s how the really rich execs make their $$$ (that and stock), so they had to find a way to pay it.

“I have a hard stop at X” is pretty important here.


My team’s budget for bonuses is usually about 110% to 120% of the total target bonuses for my team. Then we give out 100% to people that are fine and 150% to people that killed it. No one ever gets less than 100% unless, as you say, it’s an absolute disaster year and the total pool is 100%.

God I had a huge SapphoAndHerFriend moment today and I feel like a total asshole. I get this email that I get maybe a few times a year of “hey I love your board game site would you like to come work for my company” thing which is super gratifying but I’m never really interested but will always get back to them. This one is a small startup. Their about us is 2 co founders “Foo Bar” and “Baz Bar”, Bar being a not common surname.

And I made the lame assumption that like "oh super cool that you guys are going into business with your brother :+1: :+1: :+1: "

At least I didn’t email them back before that lol.

My company just offered up 4 6th row tickets to the pacers home opener… I was the first to snatch them. I’m going to make sure they are transferred and in my Ticketmaster account before I give my 2 weeks lol.


What is your board game site?

I made a web adaption of a popular open source licensed hidden roles game a few years back that still has ~200 people playing on it during peak times. I have volunteer mods and a discord and all that and basically do nothing with it other than pay for the server and shitpost when drunk.


So the guy who trained me and runs receiving is resigning

We talked. They want me to take over receiving too. So I’ll be running two departments lol

Double pay then.


Tips on negotiating or good reading material?