Business & Management chat

That is laughable that they want a copy of your diploma.

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I might tell them to fuck off at this point

I could almost certainly get the same amount of money other places, I just jumped on this because they came after me.

Yeah Iā€™m probably bailing. Could just be HR nonsense but this is not a good sign at all. At an absolute minimum Iā€™m politely declining that request.


If a company asked me for my university diploma Iā€™d be a bit like ok I guess but thatā€™s kinda odd. High school is lolol.


respond with ā€œlolā€


To get government clearance I had to provide everything and I mean everything. Iā€™ve had some companies ask for college transcripts and college diplomas, but they were for jobs right out of college. Once I had some work experience I havenā€™t had one that cared

When you agreed to the drug test, they just decided to see how far they could push. If you donā€™t put a stop to this now, theyā€™re going to try to do a cavity search when you show up for your first day.

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Yeah itā€™s kind of insulting to ask you to jump through one more hoop when youā€™re already jumping through a bunchā€¦ while simultaneously trying to pressure you to turn in your two weeks at the current position while they havenā€™t guaranteed you a job yet.

It depends on what industry youā€™re in obviously, but in any white collar job theyā€™re a few red flags in.

Oh boy, I can go work for an auto parts store and then be forced to relocate to squints Memphis.

What Iā€™ve learned is if I really want to fuck with someone, I should pretend to be considering them for an awesome job that Iā€™ll never give them and make them jump through whatever ridiculous hoops I dream up.

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They could just take the same amount of money and make it some sort of retention bonus or quarterly bonuses or something along those lines. I think if you can aggregate that money into fewer lumpsums it has more psychological impact. $1500 to a $60k employee is probably enough to get some juices flowing. The trick is to make it actually feel like $1500, which a few bucks every paycheck doesnā€™t accomplish.

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On my companyā€™s monthly call today they announced an across-the-board 5% base pay increase and ā€œofficialā€ embrace of hybrid/flexible work.

Company is 50-100 employees and got hit hard economically by COVID and impacts of lockdowns and restrictions. Thereā€™s been a few announcements of resignations lately so it feels partly to combat that and boost morale. That said, it struck me as a pretty impressive gesture considering how much income declined due to COVID.


I donā€™t really use remote conferencing software where I work but I had a job interview this morning over Microsoft Teams. It was supposed to be half in-person but calling in over Teams to involve other panel members. The in person bit got canceled and I was just advised to ā€œcall in to the interview from home.ā€ Am I supposed to assume anything about whether that means audio/video or just audio? I got decently dressed up and was the first to turn my camera on. A couple others turned on video a bit later looking extremely casual, some left video off. At first I was like ā€œoh ok I guess I just overdressed a bitā€ but now Iā€™m thinking back on it realizing they were probably expecting everyone to just do audio only. Should I have handled that differently?

Sounds like you handled it fine to me.

If I had something that was in person + Teams, and in-person portion was canceled, I would still assume the virtual portion was on video, especially an interview. Always good to err on the side of more conservative dress than too casually. I donā€™t expect my interviewer to dress up.

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Yeah, I would definitely have the expectation that a Teams interview would be on video. Of course, itā€™s a company policy at my company that cameras are on if youā€™re talking (and even usually if youā€™re not, unless itā€™s a huge meeting or someone is presenting slides or having slow connection issues).

In other news, Iā€™ll be interviewing for a promotion to manager. Hopefully I can pull that one off.


No you did fine. Iā€™d say the expectation is the interviewee use video but if, like my company, videoā€™s not expected for meetings, then some people may not be in the habit of turning video on

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+1 for handled well.

Not dressing up for an interview could have been marked down, even if everyone else was casual.

I just hope you didnā€™t bother with dress pants/trousers. Ripped board shorts and a neatly ironed Hugo Boss dress shirt is my go to formal for video conferencing.


What industry are you in? Have you interviewed much lately?

Happy to discuss interview tips if that would help. Iā€™ve conducted close to 1000 interviews and recently ran training for my people at work on both interviewing and being interviewed .

FWIW, I know a decent number of developers at AutoZone, they seem to have a pretty legit shop and attract some really good talent.

Itā€™s biotech, and I havenā€™t interviewed much recently (Iā€™ve been the interviewer more than the one interviewing). But, like 5 of the people Iā€™m interviewing with used to be my boss at one time or another or is right now, so Iā€™m not super nervous about it. Iā€™m at least not going in dark about their styles.

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