Burning it down

can’t be used to change the system because they exist to reinforce its existing power structures ie white rule.

When you compare the US with other countries you’re forgetting or ignoring the most salient point, which is that its success and therefore its current state is based on slavery on an almost unimaginable scale.


Your 100% right. Guns are causing cops to mace peaceful protesters, run their cars into crowds, throw 100 lb women into cement curbs, arrest reporters, all for no reason. But the problem isn’t guns in the hands of protesters, it’s all the guns, weaponry, and militarization of the police

Oversight doesn’t work when they’re all in cahoots with each other from the police chiefs, to the police unions, to the prosecutors and attorney generals. It’s like asking a drug cartel to oversee that no one lights up a blunt

stunning naivete itt

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You have literally no idea what you are talking about.


Taxpayers pay the police chief. We also pay for the civil suits to families like that of George Floyd. You know what would stop the murders of people like Floyd and police brutality in general? Take the court costs and settlement dollars out of their fucking pensions. I bet that would stop one or two broad daylight murders by these violent thugs. It might also get the cops who stand around and watch their counterparts commit acts of impropriety to maybe get involved and say, “Hey man! Get off the dude’s neck! The wife and I wanna winter at our 2nd summer home when I retire.”


imagine thinking this is new or that it will pass on its own


They are so NOT separate. They are very much intertwined

There. Were. Four. Cops.

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The FBI is also police. They are under the authority of the attorney general, in this case Bill Barr who is a close trump ally. They have a history that is filled with abuses against Americans, particularly black Americans. They are a bad organization and we should not give them money or entrust them to monitor anything.

Body cameras are becoming more common everywhere, but they are constantly turned off by officers when abusing suspects. There is little to no penalty for turning off a body worn camera. These are a good thing, and should be a no brainer, but they are not going to mean a stop to police murdering black men.

Charging every case of police brutality is an outcome that you want, not a plan to get there. Like, yeah that would be lovely, but probably 8/10 district attorneys nationwide are conservatives who will never do so, or will intentionally lose the case like the Ferguson DA did at the grand jury stage.

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You’re still not getting it.

You seem to be thinking in terms of physical or computer systems where it’s often not possible to remove or totally rewrite one thing without destabilising or breaking the system, like removing a room from a house or a table from an IT system, but societies aren’t like this because they are dependent on human actions which are in a constant state of flux and adapt to changing conditions.

Changes to laws might reduce the number of cases of police brutality against blacks but they aren’t going to radically change most white attitudes to them, which is the underlying fundamental problem in the US because it drastically hinders black career prospects and social mobility which inevitably leads to dispirited, alienated and underperforming black school kids, a much larger number of whom will be attracted to crime than their white peers because when you ain’t got nothing you got nothing to lose.

Tinkering around with existing policing rules will spare some black people from police brutality but will do nothing to change the fundamentals of a broken society.


Ah, but this is the whole point. In the US at least, they are intertwined because of the history of legalised, even encouraged, violence by whites against blacks that has it’s roots in centuries of enslavement of black people. They aren’t separate problems, and from everything I’ve heard from the black community they don’t see them as separate problems but one as the corollary of the other.

It’s not as if curing the police of their racism somehow is going to make blacks feel as if they have an equal say in society as whites.

These things have been simmering for a very, very long time.

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Trump fired Comey. That’s the whole point. And Wray/Comey’s boss is Bill Barr.

Regardless of whether you can come up with a sensical law that would ensure officers are charged, that law has very little chance of being passed. The entire Republican Party and a significant portion of Democrats are very pro-police. These problems have been evident for decades, the reason police aren’t held accountable is because we’ve got a government filled with people who don’t want them held accountable.

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lol “was” a huge issue.




Comparing a total re-working of US society with Chechan Islamists massacring children seems like a stretch. Can you explain your reasoning behind this specific comparison?

This explanation is still vastly at odds with overwhelming global consensus. Consolidating all the corruption under one autocratic ruler and his lackey oligarchs does not in any way reduce corruption, it just nationalizes it.


This! Nothing has changed by going through the Proper And Official Channels.

Is this a trick question? They’d have been beaten to a pulp or shot dead by the other armed thugs on the scene

Cops in this country are gangsters full stop. Their job primarily consists of extorting money from people and “getting home safe” at the end of their shift


Americans have killed lots of children from other groups.


and killed lots of American children
