Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

They could host the show from one of those diners since they are usually full of these dipshits.


lol last message gives away his family name.

what a dumb cult do you have to be to believe that correction officers’ heaven would be to patrol something or someone?

I mean, if its patroling for young black thugs, that actually might be their version of heaven

That Reddit is incredible

The Prayer Warriors must have batted a smooth 0 for 500 in August. Just a legendary slump.

Maybe they’re actually a cooler?

“Calling all my prayer warriors” aaaaaaaaaand he’s dead.


Man my absolute favorite part of this has to be when they get false confidence from that first rebound before it strikes back and the Swaggy P celebration meme posts that come with it. Check this one out:

How it started:

Also boycotting Subway over Rapinoe and retweeting Charlie Kirk on CRIMINAL George Floyd.

How it escalated:

How it ended:





Facebook is the worst thing to ever happen to this country.


I’m sorry, am I the baby killer again in this reference? Please let me know if this was what you meant, as Yadi referred to the time you called me one because I said watching a lot of NBA games doesn’t make me an expert.


Please take this as a knock it off. Not sure if this was aimed at Yuv or not. But based on that weirdness in the NBA thread, I can see why he might.

A reminder. You can criticize people’s previous posting history, past actions, military service, etc as much as you want, just do it in context and with some basic attempt at restraint.

Man I hate that I found that Herman Cain award sub because I have spent my whole morning mainlining it. It get repetitive but I can’t stop. It’s amazing how these people share some of the most hateful memes on earth yet are remembered as a “loving person who saw the good in everyone”. Also many people are described as being in good health yet from the profile pics appear to be about 400lbs.


These are the exact same assholes who pre-covid would make comments in articles about mountain rescues and deaths like “play stupid games and win stupid prizes” or would complain about the burden on society and insist that the rescued (and sometimes even dead) climbers should pay. Never mind that in many cases the rescues they are complaining about are executed by volunteer mountain rescue teams already mostly funded by climbers. Additionally, most climbers are healthy and many are very focused on living low impact and small imprint lives–they are collectively an extremely low burden group within the general population. And you have these 400 pound assholes complaining about the cost of a very rare rescue. And now these same assholes are costing society trillions of dollars probably. Fuck them.


Celebrity Death Pool would’ve been insanely fun to play during a pandemic.

Y’all too dark for that but not for this.

Author L. Neil Smith died about a week ago. I’m not aware of anything specific that he did that was really bad, but he was active in Libertarian politics so he is inherently terrible. Fuck libertarians.

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It’s a lot easier to reconcile this if you replace “everyone” with “far right, science denying-white nationalists”.

I also can’t stop reading this sub. The truly amazing thing is the people that draw their last breath insisting the vaccine is poison and dying for their convictions. Shine on, you crazy diamond.



I wish someone would take a page out of the Westboro Baptist playbook and picket the funerals of antivaxxers.


Sounds like you found your true calling.