Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

He’s not having it. He was on Fox talking nonsense about “isis-x” the other day. He managed to catch himself like that’s what he meant so not totally gone yet.

delta doing more to combat right wing am radio than democrats ever did.

having said that, rw am radio hosts are in this position because they broke the first rule of grifting. never get high off your own supply. they could have gotten vaccinated and continued to to push their dewormer snake oil.


I’m sure many of the still living ones did exactly that.


HCA has a lot more traffic Awarded… posthumously.


Surprisingly a lot of them are the base. Just like Trump. The fake ones are often super easy to spot like Vance.

This site is unreal.

I say let the big dog eat.


You become numb to it and what remains is sadness for their loved ones for having to deal with the dolt while he was alive and feeling worse now that he’s dead.

How many of these right wing radio hosts do you have anyway? The death rate of Delta is still below 1%, right? Doesn’t that imply that there’s at least 200 or so right wing radio hosts in the US?

Isn’t that a lot? :face_with_monocle:

Lol 200.

Youre wayyyyyyyyyyyy low.

About 300 US markets, roughly 3-8 right wing radio stations per market, about 4-7 hosts per station.


Gonna be a busy thread.

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It’s actually an interesting Fermí problem. Most AM talk radio is dominated Hannity and whoever replaced Rush, but there are also loads of D-list regional guys doing the same shtick. 300 isn’t a bad guess imo. The thing is there’s millions of Boomers consuming this shit 10 hours a day.

Yeah I think the fallacy is thinking of it like “200 guys like Rush that we’ve all heard of”. There’s no shortage of local crackpots that are talking to an audience of a few thousand people.

ETA: My pony got bumped to the overnight time slot.

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Would guess most cranks have gone over to YouTube these days.

Someone needs to run a conservative radio convention so we can infect all of them at once.

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200 was meant to be a safe lower limit. But thanks, that explains a lot.

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a bunch are syndicated. you can probably scrape up 300 but you will be counting hosts that draw less than a thousand congregations/listeners/viewers. the bottom of the influenced economy has gotta be somewhat similar and have a ton of churn.

Any talk about syndication and markets is also likely ignoring Right Wing Podcasters. I don’t know what the market looks like there since a lot of the listenership are Olds for radio, but that has to be different for podcasts. Anyway, not sure if I’ve heard of any of the podcasters dying yet.

For now.



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