Bump this thread when terrible famous people die


Hello, Goodbye, and Peace.

Todah rabah.

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Ehh, watch Bill Burrā€™s bit about old people living too long. Dude was 95. Itā€™s not a surprise he held these views.

You donā€™t have to look far to see how deplorable he was.

Sure. Iā€™m just saying no one should be surprised a 95 year dude is a deplorable.

At first i was like i dont know anything about the man that quote just sounds like std old men. Then i read his wiki and woah.

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We gonna get a big fish at the end of the month like we did in June?

My grandparents were older than this. Had gay friends in the 40s, fought fascists in the 30s, and didnt even blink when my brother came out as trans. You had to choose to be a shitty person in all decades.


I agree. Iā€™m saying you shouldnā€™t be surprised.

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Bumpity Bump:

ponied pony

Come on down.


But he was consensus seeking!

:notes: Where have you gone Michael Enzi, oh, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo woo woo :notes:

Lol just read this. Pro Iraq war, blatant bigot, Obamacare repeal, immigration asshole, terrible on guns, abortion, you name it, just a garden variety scumbag already whitewashed as a ā€œconsensus builderā€ because he wanted an internet sales tax or something.

Rolled out of bed and snap called these news outlets tripping over themselves to paint him as a compassionate conservative in the headlines. Top of the morning to you.

The next several years are going to be infuriating as every Republican dipshit gets a media blow job for being ā€œnot as obviously bad as Donnie Dumb Dumbā€. They may be Nazis, but they are polite Nazis, and America, The Greatest Country In The World, salutes them!

Given the people with whom he was bargaining, that was the consensus!


Also according to his obit he died in a bike accident. Pretty sure in Wyoming that mean you had at least 12 DUIs.