COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

And sometimes it serves no purpose whatsoever and makes you look like a pathetic tryhard. I wonder which of those two this is?

No one is in here salivating if these people get hit by a car, or die of cancer, or get murdered in a home invasion. What is compelling about these cases is that they are an appropriate consequence of their own choices. They’re a comeuppance for villainy, something people enjoy in, what would you say, something like 10% of stories ever recorded in human history (not to mention something that is astonishingly rare in human realities)? At this point in the pandemic, anti-vaxxers seeing their heroes and family members who “didn’t need the vaccine” getting got by exactly what they said they wouldn’t get is about the only thing that can change hearts and minds.


It seems at least theoretically possible the longer and more agonizing the death is, the more likely it is that some anti-vaxxer will be persuaded into getting vaxxed. Maybe another month of agony would have netted another 500 Sklansky vaccinations.

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Yep, that’s all true and great and entirely orthogonal to what I’m saying.

What changed in the past year Flynn? You seemed happy to celebrate Darwin Awards then.

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Hmmmm seems like something changed more recently.

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Cant think of any other reason for the increase in vaccinations recently.

I don’t think this is quite true. It might change some minds, but a great many are not going to change unless someone puts a gun to their head, either economically or literally.

We must motivate the normal people to be willing to not only unholster the gun but also to pull the trigger against anti-vaxxers if they don’t comply. This requires an emotional rather than rational argument. We ought to normalize the Othering of these recalcitrant fools towards this end.

And maybe this is some minor internet backwater that will never affect anything, but maybe it can be an experimental lab for figuring out a message that can be used elsewhere.

One of those is a discussion with bobman about tax policy, another is questioning whether it’s OK to zing a dead comedian by making unnecessary reference to his ethnicity. Absolute and total failure. Pathetic.

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And predictably one of them is you reacting to a Darwin Award with celebration, which you conveniently don’t acknowledge here. Guillotine jokes and jumping in on another persons death without any reprimands for people celebrating it was fine then for some reason.

If you can’t see the difference between



then I don’t know what to tell you (I joke, of course - you know the difference and are pretending not to because, well, that’s just the kind of shit you’ve always done and you haven’t changed a whit in the last decade).

I say again: Pathetic. You’ve lost this one. Stop digging, is my advice.

I’m actually just wilding out that ikes must’ve spent the guts of an hour digging through my post history and that’s all he could come up with. Fun, fun, fun on a Saturday night.


Can you guys maybe take this to the poo-flinging thread?


“We’ll see sir it’s very complicated to just share IP and creates all sorts of unforeseen problems. We can’t possibly allow this to happen.”

Top triangle is achieved by what, 1/10000 people?


Counter point. Fuck these arrogant assholes that are killing people. Every one of these bitches is getting the dancing funeral gif

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I’m not even asking you to be sorry they died. I’m asking you not to participate in a race to the bottom of celebrating their deaths and people egging each other on to demonstrate ever-more intense joy that they died and performative regret that they didn’t suffer even more before they died.

‘Live by the sword, die by the sword’ is one thing. ‘Live by the sword, die in agony over a period of weeks and hey maybe also your loved ones do that too, idk maybe your kids could die by scaphism pour encourager les autres’ is something else. I think it wouldn’t be a bad thing if people would refrain from the latter, that’s all.

That’s a fair point for a moron anti vax person that gets covid and dies

For these ■■■■■ that are making parody songs. They are killing people and I will celebrate their death gladly.