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I assume I’m slightly younger than average at 37 on these forums and even I had a tv with dials.


Underdog says “Hold my beer.”


Drew Carey had a hard act to follow. Bob was great. And the show was good. They came up with a formula and stuck with it.


Legendary clip. Lack of audio/video synching was bothering me.


That contestant may have been the only thing that stopped Bob from making it to 100.


38 here. Definitely had a TV with dials up until I was 10.

33 here and pretty sure we had dial tvs for a good bit growing up.

Bob Barker was a legend and a staple for me as I spent many, many days (months at a time) home sick from school. He was very good at what he did, TPiR was never the same after he retired.

49 and had a black and white dial TV hooked up to a UHF antenna until I turned 18. Beat that, MFers.

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We had a B&W TV with dials in the kitchen, but one of the dials was broken, so we would use a pliers to turn the peg the dial was supposed to be inserted into.

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Age 60 and I had a B&W TV with a UHF antenna in my bedroom five years before you were in gleam in your old man’s eye.


Got you all beat. B&W with knobs and uhf antenna as a child. Also as late as 2002 had a color TV with knobs.

I was living somewhere that I knew I was gonna be for a pretty short period of time, so I found a old but large color TV for almost nothing at a garage sale. That thing was heavy AF. Worked fine. Donated to Goodwill after use.

Anyone have knobs after 2002 on a set you use daily? If so, I concede.

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I just remembered that we had a tiny tiny (like 5" screen ) portable TV/radio combo in our kitchen that you tuned like a radio with a dial, the TV channels weren’t set.

I don’t think ours had a cassette player, but it was like this

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Lollll at 4:40 you can see his soul leave his body

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Wtf. Why does the dead pony have so many likes?

Because the audio/video sync isn’t great in the first one.


Im not one to be all “In my day we blah blah blah” bullshit, but it does make me a little sad that streaming has essentially killed the sick day game show binges for kids

When Clinton was about to get impeached, I started leaving the cable news channels on when I was at home sick, and here I am today.


Poor life decisions…


Ever pull out the vacuum tubes and haul them over to the Circle K to use their tester to find the bad one? Because I did. Or at least I watched my dad do it. My memory is a little hazy.