Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

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RIP David Crosby. Saw him at Jake’s Famous Crawfish a few years ago out at dinner, the only time I think I’ve ever seen my dad excited about seeing a celebrity.

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Crosby was obviously a legend, and politically non-terrible, but I’m pretty sure that even he acknowledged that he was a pretty big asshole.

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Was a bit of a diva

The last 3 minutes are awkward



I watched some of the “David Crosby: Remember My Name” documentary like three days ago. I think I stopped about half way through and the main impression of him that I got was that he was a huge asshole. To his credit I guess at least he was self aware enough to know it and basically wondered why anybody ever put up with him. He seemed like a terrible person.

Also he really hated Jim Morrison. He mentioned how he much hated him several times in the doc.

This takes the edge off when people say they’re aware of their faults and trying to improve. He was more of the “I’m an asshole, deal with it” brand, which fucking sucks.

81, not a bad run

Funny thing is, lots of people who knew him seemed to love him. Guess he did something right.

People are never just one thing.


And difficult comes in a lot of flavors.

Some is inflexibility. Some is not willing to suffer fools.

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The tendency to mine newly dead peoples lives for any infraction is super weird. Nobody can pass this test.

I don’t think that kind of mining is really a thing to any great extent. People just talk more about someone when they’ve just died. Some of that talk is negative, and today we have way less gatekeeping of information and discussion, and we have larger water coolers, and the water coolers are often dedicated to very specific topics


It’s a compensatory reaction towards media hagiography of the recently dead.

Uh, people talked about David Crosby being an asshole PLENTY when he was alive. One of those people was David Crosby!

Meh, 81 with a new liver that he received after years of drug and alcohol abuse. The guy was massively talented but personified selfish boomer IMO.

ETA: Guilty as charged @clovis8

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