Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Thanks. That sounds more useful than I thought. When is the last time we know of that it was done in war time? Iraq? Afghanistan?

Is anyone skydiving in Ukraine to get behind enemy lines?

When you say “drops” do you mean people or things? Or both?

Both. The Army seized an airfield in Northern Iraq, well away from most of the fighting, by landing several hundred troops by parachute and the associated equipment by parachute.

Ok, Thanks. I guess that settles it. Skydiving still valuable in the 21st century.

Probably a joint unit. Airfields don’t get seized without Air Force Spec Ops help.

I’m not finding anything online, but didn’t the Russians lose a lot of paratroopers at the beginning of their invasion of Ukraine? The Russian commanders were being dragged for incompetence. Maybe I’m misremembering or it was Ukrainian propaganda.

I am really not sure about the tactical merits of choppering them in vs actually jumping out of planes, but paratroopers were involved in the battle that destroyed those first Russian „three-day-war“ plans: Battle of Antonov Airport - Wikipedia

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Watched him on So you think you can dance. Seemed like good dude.


Yea he really did seem like a good guy. Infectious smile and laugh. Way too young to go.


Yeah, losing Twitch sucks. Been following his career for over a decade.


Terry Hall, lead singer of The Specials, dead at 63.


Always like Steve Smoger as a referee. Made for some great fights.

We were in Pittsburgh for all four 70s Super Bowls. (Why, yes, I AM old as dirt.) Franco was a god, even more so than Bradshaw, who we knew even back then to be kind of a nut


I wonder if Franco’s defense of Paterno will cause a backlash here. Other than that he seemed like a kind, gentle soul.

I was gonna bring up his defense of Paterno if you didn’t.

Many have forgiven at Penn State but I sure haven’t.

Don’t like it but understand the significant Joe played in his life and inability to see past the love/loyalty.

But Joe did know.

I can’t be the only one who just knew the name and thought it was Frank O’Harris?


I knew Franco Harris, but Lorenz O’Neil had me confused for a while.


You are indeed the only one. Shame.

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