Bump This Thread Every Time Kyrsten Sinema Is Terrible

She has aspirations of higher office. I wouldn’t be shocked if she thinks there’s a desire for her to run for president as an independent once it turns out she can’t win the Democratic nomination.

This number should be way higher!


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There’s a good chance that 34% of Arizona Democrats don’t know what filibuster reform is.


Still that’s an impressive number. Kind of shocking actually

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This basically just means shes loses their support in the next election right? I’m sure she will get plenty of money from pacs, although maybe they do door knocks and shit that add a good amount of value.

Still these are impressive numbers coming out of AZ. 64% saying they will vote against her in the next primary, now 80% of the state party ready to be done with her. That’s numbers I’d expect out of a state like CA. Hell CA isn’t even this made at Feinstein although she isn’t as much of an attention grabber.

As things are right now if Cinema stays on this path she’s a huge favorite to lose her primary if she runs again. Hopefully they can find a good candidate.


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She’ll get all of the bribe money, nothing will happen to her, and Dems will lose control of everything before she’s ousted. It has to be that way because it’s the fundamental principle of the Democratic party.


I’m sure they totally won’t get a constitutional convention out of this or anything.

not like they can try to make an argument they get there if idaho and montana petition along with a few other states, no sirree

Doesn’t that end the reconciliation bill?

If she sticks to it pretty much. If Manchin caves I think she will too. Democrat state party is 80% against her. So if she tanks the reconciliation bill it will be straight up career suicide more than she already has. Her career would be completely dead if she is the lone person holding up the bill.


it’s hilarious how cheap they sell out. Willing to sell out the country for pocket change.

Biden needs to go to construction companies and tell them hey we will give you this project for a billion dollars, you just have to bribe Cinema and Manchin into voting for the bill I want.


In fact make the deal like we will give you a multi billion dollar contract but you have to get Cinema on board with my entire Agenda.

Company offers her massive campaign donatios and offers her a seat on the board for life that pays 500k a year.

After she loses office, reneg on the deal and leak the secret recording. Have Biden pardon you for any potential crimes

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It is until you realize the average person would sell out for less than that.

I mean its not like she gets to keep the money. It goes to her campaign fund thats lighting money on fire anyways. She’s drawing dead in 2024

Even if she manages to win her primary, shes up against horrific voter suppression and a dem base that will have zero motivation to vote for her.

She’s gotta be a +1,000 underdog at this point.

Hopefully because she gets primaried.

Democrats are going to lose enough senate seats in 2024.

It’s going to be very hard to win in AZ with their new voter laws. Even if we do, they might decide to test out their new law allowing the legislature to decide, although I don’t know if that’s only for the presidency

I think (hope) you’re overstating the difficulties. As far as I know, recently passed election-related laws in AZ are pretty minor in scope, at least relative to TX and some others. Example, you can now get removed from the permanent early voting list if you don’t vote in 4 elections or something like that. Not that it’s not voter suppression but at this point they’re just sort of scraping around the edges.

And the one where the legislature can just vote to override the will of the people is so far just proposed and not passed. :crossed_fingers:


that bill is amazing (ly bad), jury trial NO MATTER WHAT is in there