Bump This Thread Every Time Kyrsten Sinema Is Terrible

It may be a mix of this combined with living in a bubble where she is able to create her own fictions, probably reinforced by some Yes Men that are circling. I think there’s a chance she goes to bed every night thinking that she is the Special One that can balance government spending with reasonable budgeting and that she’ll be the face of the huge successful bill that balances R and D concerns and the media praise will propel her to the national spotlight and she will be the first woman to be President, beloved by Biden and Mitch, an inspiration to a generation of little girls. It takes that kind of narcissism to grab the spotlight like this.


Understanding Sinema and Manchin is really simple. They are the most right wing of the dems and in America the more right wing you are the more evil and stupid you are. It’s a pure linear scale.

This is certainly the case with Manchin but as pointed out previously Sinema has shifted around between farther left rhetoric and conservative rhetoric. So its hard to pin her behavior to ideology.

I can’t imagine it would apply to Senators when there’s a Constitutional amendment explicitly stating that Senators will be elected by the people. Surely the Supreme Court would not let that stand (after allowing 6 years to let each side present their case and remanding the case back to lower courts several times to address minor procedural issues).

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Enema could realistically switch parties and stay in office

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I think I remember cinema explaining that she feels like small business owners are literally her only constituents. Cause the American economy runs on small businesses and what’s good for them is good for everyone.

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lmao not a chance. She would get absolutely rolled in a Republican primary. Like maybe 10% if she’s lucky. Do you realize what the Republican party is about these days?

Responsible debt management and family values, duh.


Small business owners are overwhelmingly Trumpy racist chamber of commerce types that employ illegal immigrants while demanding a wall. Sinema almost certainly was elected by Dem voters opposing those people.

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The fact that she’s taking outright bribes from GOP donors in broad daylight should concretize how hopeless the situation is to anyone still lying to themselves.


Taking bribes from R donors is what they mean by “reach across the aisle”.


I agree about Manchin although some around here aren’t sold on his value over replacement (no $300 per child credit without him, much worse pandemic relief bills, few judges). I disagree on the dems making an error on Sinema. You have to go back to ‘95 to get a dem senator from AZ. I don’t know that they could have known how flakey she is.

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Yes they love trolling and owning the libs

AZ has another dem senator who is solid. State leans blue now. But we will see going forward with voter suppression and Dems doing very little

It’s still purple. Kelly will be a fortunate hold in a midterm.



Ms. Sinema’s defense of the filibuster brought grumbles of approval one recent afternoon from the conservative members of the Rusty Nuts classic car club who were gathered around a table at the American Legion hall in Chandler, a Phoenix suburb where many voters split their ballots in 2018 to vote for Ms. Sinema for Senate and Doug Ducey, a conservative Republican, for governor.

“I appreciate that she’s not way left-leaning like the rest of them,” said Pat Odell, a retired court clerk and conservative. Ms. Odell said she wanted to see a total closure of the southwestern border and wanted Ms. Sinema to reject the $3.5 trillion Democratic social-spending bill outright.

But even if that happened, would Ms. Odell actually vote for Ms. Sinema or anyone with a D beside their name?

Probably not, she said.

This is the eDem wet dream tiger they’ve been chasing the whole time, i.e., the (disproven) unidimensional voter preference model where mOvInG tO tHe MiDdLe scoops the “moderates.” They’ll be pointing to this shining example of success for years to come.

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I wish the reporters had named the hotel/resort, I would seriously consider going and yelling at her.

Even without a kayak, I’d probably never get anywhere near her.

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