Bump This Thread Every Time Kyrsten Sinema Is Terrible

Gonna vote dem just not gonna care that much, doesnt seem its gonna matter much long-term or even short-term

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She has absolutely no shame. May as well be a Republican. Kyrsten SineMAGA.

Feinstein is certifiably demented as they are doing nothing. They arnot going to do anything about Sinema being an idiot.

What can they realistically do about Sinema being an idiot? Try hitting her? If you threaten her, she might not care or she might be the sort to double down when challenged and become even less likely to change.

According to this I think she can be recalled? Fuck it, why not try?

The Democratic Party doesn’t control who wins primaries. Powerful people oppose candidates all the time, sometimes the candidate wins anyway.

I think that what they’re saying is someone should have sussed out her idiocy long ago and DNC never should have backed her in the Senate race against McSally to begin with. You’re right that there is not much they can do now.

I mean if it’s summer break I’m not what she’s supposed to do besides compete in triathlons and intern at wineries.

What do other senators do, hold town halls, learn about issues, plan for the future, help their constituents, write legislation? C’mon!!


Flakier than Jeff Flake!

More space cadet than the actual space cadet other Arizona Senator!

Cursed Cinema!

The “Better Medicare Alliance” is apparently a front group for the health insurance industry.

This ad has been running for a couple of months in AZ.

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And while looking for that ad, I came across this story:


Great job guys, total waste of 1.5 mil. How’s that plan working out?

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The winery internship thing is astonishingly blatant bribery in plain sight. I assume it’s a no-show job. World’s oldest democracy!

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Her fucking face tilts the fuck out of me.



I’ve heard various stories of her fairly dramatically misreading rooms and making jarring or ill-timed comments. My sense is that now she’s just misreading the national room. The ambition part is key to appreciate since some people seem to think she’s bored with the Senate and ready to move on or angling for a high priced lobbying gig. That’s clearly not the case. She’s just as focused on advancement within elected politics as most other pols. The DGAF theory doesn’t fly. She clearly thinks this is her path to national office.


So she’s just a complete fucking idiot. Story checks out.


Thanks, but I had to brake my rule of never reading anything that is “must read”.

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So her aspiration is to be Jill Stein?

Nope, McCain. With AZ’s primary regimen, voters can vote in any primary (to be clear, in any, but just 1 per cycle) without re-registering. So, she thinks she is in the Dem/Ind party and she may be correct. She’s running away from her Jill Stein roots.

She’s massively underestimating how much people hate her.