Brother to join the forum

Hey man, Better than most probably, how are you brother?

You sure? People die everyday man, thousands even. Can’t shut the world down for it. It’s a shame, but can’t live in fear. As far as your civil war question, lol.

Maybe 60K is a projection
Like 100-200K “Lolol” :clown_face:

What do you think the over will be? Seems like several clowns here were all “1M” and “minimum 100K” where are they now? Why don’t you tell us all what it will be big boy? Were you the clown saying 1M deaths? Seems like it was you.

Lmao that’s what I thought. Why won’t you give a number since you’re so ready to put your money where your mouth is? Ironically you can use the search function and see my feelings on it, can’t you? :clown_face:

Use the search function big boy. You can see. It won’t be 100K, you want to put your money on the over on that?

Lol why not choose 100k?

Why don’t you right wing heroes go out and get it and save everyone else from getting it.

Remember last time you were here and we were nearing 1000 deaths a day when the worst flu day ever was 500? Now we have doubled that.

By the way I am a 5G tower installer (ic). Maybe wireless can point me in the right direction.

I like how you still refuse to answer any questions.

I mean you chose 30K and 50K, why not 75K or 100K?

Conspiracy nuts and conservatives think answering a question is a sign of weakness, so instead of just answering a fucking question they feel the need to send you on a wild goose chase to try and figure out what they are talking about it. It makes arguing with them tedious which is, of course, the goal of people with shitty viewpoints.


Trump chose 0 and 60k and you mindlessly repeat him. Why?

“Conspiracy nuts”

You can search and see what I’ve said, so how’s that hilarious?

Nah, the models show 100K and now 60K, maybe 40K next week?

Great, so bet on 75k. Do it.

You guys are gonna be so owned when HnH trolls about you guys rooting for people to die.

What’s the timeline? It’d be a shame if birx said they were counting all deaths to covid 19 “if they had the antibodies to it” or some nonsense. I mean all other countries aren’t doing it to that way but we are. Lol.

That’s weird, i guess admin deleted or something (I didn’t search) but it’s going to be much,
Much less than predicted as seen already.

I recall a convo with someone about it being less than the flu @ 46K deaths and him calling me a “fucking moron” to believe otherwise. Did that part show up in your search?

Nah, specifically some guy calling me a fucking moron for believing it could be less than 46K. Post that one for me, then quit playing about it. Surely you see it? If not then thanks for proving it got deleted. Some guy that had some personal issues - I wish him the best but don’t kid me man.

lol damn man. You were right. Did you get video of you patting yourself on the back? Feels good man?