Bread Thread

Super awesome post. I need to be able to give 10 hearts!

I got the 7 inch.

Do you do 300g flour then 75/15/10?

Also, I started AP but assume if I get some bread flour I can slowly convert to it?

I scored a 50 lb bag of bread flour from Costco. What are you guys storing that much flour in?

I have this for my dog’s food. I may buy another I guess lmao.

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Oh shit. Yeah I’d take the dog bin over that. It’s only $26 on Amazon.

My understanding is if it springs back fully it’s Under proofed. If it doesn’t spring back at all it’s over proofed. You want a bit of spring back but still a dent.

I feel cheap posting these here, but nm.

Pandesal. A Filipino bread. Fairly sweet enriched white roll. Coated in breadcrumbs.

Stayed way too tight. I think the oven may be too hot. Doesn’t help that the dials have lost all the paint so I can’t see what setting it’s on.

Mrs rugby says not sweet enough…


Scored these today. Suggestions on starter ratios between these and AP?

I’ll be on day three tomorrow when I feed. One and two were all AP.

I’m seeing various suggestions online. Did you guys discard part of the your starter as you fed during the first week of its life?

Ha ha @clovis8 has Robin Hood by the bag.

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Don’t kink shame bro!

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Cool I’m doing 40/40

I’m actually most excited about making a green onion cake with the discard!

My BIL gave me a healthy starter. I’m not ready to start baking with it for a few weeks, but how often do I need to feed it to keep it healthy?

My starter has shown a serious lack of life the last couple days. What temp water do you guys use? I’m also thinking maybe of adding some whole wheat thinking it might jumpstart it again?

Thanks. So far just AP.

I seem to be failing in spectacular order! :grin: Still no signs of life. I’ll give it another day or two then maybe start from scratch.

Starting to understand why sourdough is elite level home cooking and I have yet to cook anything.

Got no activity from this mornings feed. :(

This gives me some hope!

Cheater! :grin:

Another day of nothing. Might be time to dump it and start from scratch. :pensive: