Bird Shit? Paintball Hate Crime? Let’s Investigate.

No, although I did find the feathers of a dead bird of some kind nearby. Looked like a fox or coyote or cat got it. I suppose it’s possible that it’s some kind of blood splatter from that. But that’s a lot, and I didn’t notice any in the driveway.

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Looks like someone was playing limit hold’em against your house.


We need Dexter on this case

I don’t get it?

And oldie but goodie from 2+2:

limit monkeys


Shit, maybe those escaped CDC chimpanzees from like 100 miles away finally made it down here.

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Great! You now have bird and monkey flu. Good luck bro.

Maybe they’ll send my immune system to the next level and give me permanent immunity to all covid variants!

I think closer examination is in order. Get a knife or something and scrape at it. Then a close up photo please.

From first impressions. Could be

  • some kind of mud or dirt flicked up by a lawnmower or car going by.
  • someone through dirt at your house
  • poop from a passing plane?

Aren’t there animals that spray feces to mark their territory? I wonder if it could be that?

It’s currently raining so we’ll see if it waahes away, and if not I’ll scrape at it tomorrow. I did take one spot off with a wet paper towel and a lot of rubbing.

We’re talking a good 30-40 feet from the street, so a car seems unlikely. The nearest property line for it to be a lawnmower is at least 25 feet away.

I’m fairly confident it isn’t dirt. The spot that came off was pretty uniform with no clumps. I can only think of it being blood, paint, or fluid bird/animal poop.

Ewww is that even possible?

I’d have a tough time reconciling the upside down V though. At least with bird shit it could theoretically have been one fluid ball that split up from the friction of the air and the splitting formed into that shape from somewhat random chance based on size/weight and rate of fall.

You think a few small paint splatters are a targeted racist attack against your house because your recently have a minority girlfriend?

Why not just use spraypaint and put a giant and clear version of whatever thing they were trying to do? A tiny obscure version makes little sense. The fact we are debating it might be birdshit means it’s likely not a big deal.



The marking over the address being similar to a racist marking in the ADL database, and a few right wing/racist incidents in a one mile area including one in red paint concern me. So does a US senator speaking against Loving v Virginia within the last couple of weeks.

I still think that upside down V is virtually impossible for bird shit but who knows?

Better safe than sorry.

I mean, at this point you pretty much have to taste it to know for sure.


Was the consistency oily? Or more powdery?

Regarding a car being “unlikely”. You are probably right but I think we’ve established that any cause is probably very unlikely, so we shouldn’t be ruling it out.

What proactive steps can you possibly take anyways though? The cops will probably take down a report but it isn’t going to accomplish much or be investigated?

Definitely not powdery. I don’t know if I’d say oily. More like watery.

That’s a very fair point.

I think involving the cops is a negative freeroll if there’s a chance it’s right wing racism. The current plan is to put a security camera facing that area, and make sure we’re extra vigilant. Anything else concerning that moves in that direction and I probably get a gun.