Biggest Assholes of All Time Draft

Can more than one person be a pick?

Asking because it definitely would’ve changed my picks.

Not sure, they were like a tag team of evil, like if all the guys from the Legion of Doom are dead assholes, I’d allow it. We can ask for a ruling.

TY. Sorry, all these assholes start to look the same after a while.

I’ll make a ruling if you’ll clarify whether you want to retroactively apply this to previous picks or you’re just asking for final shots.

I don’t want to break anything, so it’s no big deal. They were a notorious 19th century slave trading duo, hard to rank one as worse than the other and they sort of complete each other, so I thought it was within the spirit of the thread to take them as one pick.

Let’s say you get a bonus 6th round where you can select multiple people at once.

But I wouldn’t smite anyone who decided to pick a group of people before then. Though I might call you an asshole!

Fine. I pick Tamerlane at 40. He was a big fan of Ghengis Khan. Killed over 15 million people during his conquests in the 14th century. Did some real deal genocide of Nestorian Christians. Built mountains out of the skulls of his enemies. Edgar Allen Poe wrote a weird poem about him. The end.


And at 41 I’m picking Ayn Rand. Virtually every Dunning Kruger moron liberterianbro you’d pay your hard earned fiat money to punch in the face has read (or pretends to have read) this contemptible hack as a teenager; an insufferable Titan* of tedious prose and poster child for aggressively gatekeeping who does not get to call themselves a “philosopher”.

* Please clap


my libertarian facebook friend posted an ayn rand quote a couple weeks ago and i responded by saying “lol ayn rand” and he asked me if I had a problem with brilliant women…


“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


This would be a fun writeup if you did it

I should have my write ups in by tomorrow.

I definitely don’t wanna bring down the level of this draft.

Yeah Allins story is pretty short but really salty. I actually felt sorry for him after reading his origin but this is the asshole draft not the empathy draft.

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Just to keep things moving I can go ahead and make my pick.

After 2 “luxury” picks I just can’t pass on 1st rd talent in the 5th.

I bring you the all time leader in humans genocided Mao Zedong.


Can’t believe he fell this far. Did he have a torn ACL?


UP’ers posturing for sympathy from our future overlords.


This was the pick I was thinking of when people had already moved on to fun picks. Shocked he wasn’t a top 5 off the board.

I owe a writeup on Saddam Hussein…I’m sure everyone here knows exactly what he’s done (Kurdish genocide, gassing his own people), but I did run across one quote I didn’t know about that encapsulates what a sick monster this asshole was:

An Amnesty International report has said, “victims of torture in Iraq are subjected to a wide range of forms of torture, including the gouging out of eyes, severe beatings, and electric shocks… some victims have died as a result and many have been left with permanent physical and psychological damage.”, and Hussein also killed about 40 of his own relatives. He has executed over 400,000 Iraqi citizens. While they were being executed, he filmed them just so he can enjoy watching people getting executed by him.

I think of Mao as more of a massive failure than an asshole.

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Ever talk to anyone that lived through it? scientists that kept their heads down and lost their 20s and 30s doing menial jobs until they could get out after he died. Lots of their classmates killed. They’d be talking then just get a vacant look.

Having delusional views of what your political project can accomplish and not understanding the scope of possible shortfalls can end up being extremely bad, but I don’t think the goal of the projects pushed for in the Great Leap Forward was to kill that many people but ambitious projects can have very bad outcomes. I guess all the people here would’ve handled the situation better but the situation is more nuanced then X people died during this so X leader in charge wanted them all dead. China has a large degree of variety when it comes to cultures and people throughout the land and trying to manage that at a high level is probably near impossible so maybe he was an asshole for thinking that something like that was possible and trying to do it.

Two books that seem to give a pretty balanced and nuanced discussion on the historical events are. I’ve only read excerpts from each but I’ve had them recommended by a couple of people if anyone is interested in learning more

This one was also recommended which goes into how revolutions are hard to manage and they take a life of their own regardless of what the initial goals are