***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

George R.R. Martin

Finish the fucking books already asshole. Or maybe don’t if that was the fucking ending you had in mind.

(look who’s talking about spending too long writing)


Get a load of this fucking asshole


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David Brooks

On a related note, the writers of the show.


Would anyone have argued if they’d been the #1 draft pick?

Most of us are in extreme self isolation for a while yet. Anyone rewatching GoT? Nope. The ending was that awful.

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Has anybody mentioned mega asshole Ted Nugent yet?


I probably would have drafted this colossal POS in the regular rounds if I had signed up.


A less well known but still huge asshole that would have been my spite pick.

Noted Boston radio racist sexist bigoted white nationalist Islamophobic Asshole Jay Severin.


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The rest of my list

Bill Barr

Jeff Sessions

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Ted Nugent

Curt Schilling

Aubrey Huff

Kevin McCarthy

Duncan Hunter

Steven Mnuchin

Marc Levin

Steve King Iowa

Lindsey Graham

Richard Burr

that kid from Penn

Marie LePen

Richard Spencer

Jared Kushner

Charlie Kirk

Tomi Lahren

Jesse Watters

Rupert Murdoch

Logan Paul

Dana Loesch

Bill O’Reilly

Rand Paul

Dr. Drew Pinsky

Rick Santorum

Jerry Falwell Jr.

Dennis Prager

Emomali Rahmon

Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhamedow

Jeffrey Epstein

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O’Reilly is a massive asshole. He could have gone in the first round and nobody would have blinked.

Epstein definitely first round talent, can’t believe he wasn’t drafted.

lol my kid really wanted me to take him

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Holy shit those are all good. Aubrey Huff would be much less known, but he is a true douchebag.

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Did anybody have:

Sheriff Joe?
Sheriff Clarke?
That asshole political cartoon conspiracy drawing guy?
The other cartoon author guy I can’t think of at the moment?


This draft should have been 25 rounds long.

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Have to be living



Don’t forget about Wil from 2 plus two also.

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Carole Baskin

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Was gonna pick him if there was a spite round. Honestly, I think he’s the worst of all of the right-wing talking heads.

Shockingly one of my top 10 remained

Narendra Modi, PM of India

Guy is trying to basically imprison the entire Muslim population of India by stripping them of their citizenship. I’d honestly put him up there with Xi Jinping as being a huge piece of shit.

Here’s who else remains from my top 50 (in order)

George W. Bush
Bill Barr
Boris Johnson
Mark Zuckerberg
Jared Kushner
Wayne LaPierre
Jean Marie Le Pen
Donald Rumsfeld
Mike Pompeo
John Bolton
Bill O’Reilly
Tucker Carlson
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
Nigel Farage
Viktor Orban
Colin Powell
Marine Le Pen
Park Geun-hye
Silvio Berlusconi
Rudy Giuliani
Nancy Pelosi
Vaclav Klaus
Hillary Clinton
Andrej Babis


I do like how Bush wasn’t drafted and Cheney was round 1. Which is correct to be fair.