Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Are you saying your kid did/will vote for Trump as a “fuck you” to you?

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Not sure why but I’m surprised by this. I know liberal people with conservative parents, but honestly don’t know any conservative people with liberal parents

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no i don’t think he will but whenever we approach any political conversation he is most defiantly on the libertarian side and therefore Trump as far as choices are concerned. I don’t think he will because also like most kids his age there always something more important to do than voting even if its only not getting out of bed

He would not be able to identify that show out of a police lineup without multiple hints and/or without an image search

The old man regretted voting for Trump. Just pulled the R level/hated HRC.

But as soon as they took a serious run at effing SS, he was out. Also realized the clown town antics.

If my Mom was still alive, my Dad would have passed first. Cause she would have killed him. Has hated Trump from the moment he became famous.

If it’s anything like the last two, people will bet heavy on one side, post about it nonstop in the lead up, their guy will lose, and the day after they will post that they saw the writing on the wall a few hours before polls closed, cashed out all their positions and then bet the opposite way to actually come out of election day with a profit.


I legitimately did this betting American Idol season 5.


Thanks, bub.

Better for whom?

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Biden cause previously Donnie was crushing in all the polls with really weird cross tabs.

Based on observation, I’d be shocked if PA went Red statewide. It’s been all blue since the 2016 loss and I see no indication anything has changed.

Signage is minimal. Ads are minimal. Only McCormick is running anything for primary season on the R side (we see SE PA and central/southern NJ ads, plus statewide stuff for PA/NJ/DE).

Yeah I was just joking because “better” from Nate’s perspective might not be the same as from mine

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The COVID vaccine mandates were rolled out in Sep 2021, this would have likely had way more of an impact on Biden’s approval rating than Afghanistan which people stopped caring about after two days. There is a huge antivaxx contingent among the D base.

Yea Afghanistan doesn’t compute for that at all

Not supported by the data and there are a million confounding factors.


Afghanistan was what turned me against Biden. We were so close to winning that thing!


There was no getting out of there clean. There never is. Didn’t help that Bozo the orange clown telegraphed every move.